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Enb series and Limit adjuster Help


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Hey, i have a problem. I am modding my game and I am using limit adjuster to add new cars and tuning parts. But to use limit adjuster replaces my enb series.

Now, i have tried some of the methods that appeared on this site before, but none of them worked and I never fixed the issue of not being able to use them together.

I tried making a folder and call it "library", then putting the d3d9.dll in there and using saloader.ini to run the dll, but it didn't work.

Please help me :s

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post the content of your saloader.ini
my d3d9.dll of ENB inside of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas\ENB\d3d9.dll
and the saloader.ini:

# SA Loader# Filename: saloader.ini# Made By: Sacky# Insert the DLL names/paths to execute hereenb\d3d9.dll

do you have an advanced enb version with more files?
then tried it with the stock version

Edited by ZAZ
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Sorry for the late response.

Here is what my saloader.ini contains:


# SA Loader# Filename: saloader.ini# Made By: Sacky# Insert the DLL names/paths to execute herelibrary\d3d9.dll

The only thing i have with enb is enbseries.ini, d3d9.dll and a colourpalette bmp.

EDIT: Not colourpalette, a file named enbpalette.bmp

Edited by Helomyname
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...hm, maybe you forgot to press shift+F12 ingame?

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No, thats not the case. In-game in the menu, when the enb was working, there would be text in the top left corner. I know the dll just doesnt load as that doesnt appear and shift+f12 does nothing.

Any suggestions?

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use the d3d9.dll from ENB, and rename the d3d9.dll from SALA to d3d9_r.dll


Open up enbseries, and use the proxy settings at the top to load the d3d9_r.dll


(Sorry, not at my computer to give you the correct lines)

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Wait, i don't understand... You want me to make enbseries run on SALA's d3d9.dll?

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As far as I know saloader.ini doesn't work on SALA 8.

It works on SALA 7.5 though.

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