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Last verified races gone?


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Not sure if you all have noticed but the last batch of verified races have gone missing. Thier respective links bring up the "mission not found" page on the SC. They are also not available in the in-game job list. I found the following on R*s support forum in response to the missing maps;


"We routinely review post-match Like/Dislike data to help determine which content is popular with the Community. These stats help us to ensure that the best Jobs are always featured, and we can also use this opportunity to switch out Jobs while adding new ones to try out. So please be honest with your Like/Dislike votes at the end of each match, as you are helping to shape the future of GTA Online."


I wonder if this means they are gone for good or maybe R* is going back in and fixing what they screwed up when they redid them?

Edited by guitarone01
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I noticed that the Business Pack vehicles were unavailable in the latest jobs. Havent checked the older ones, perhaps they are fixing them.

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Dude wait what? So they f*ck up the voting system on the social club so no votes are tallied for almost three weeks and then they remove the jobs because they got no likes? That's a new level of f*cking retard if you ask me.

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rockstar systems are being very annoying.their matchmaking system is broken,network system broken,voting system doesn't clearly work for 1 month,I thought they fixed it but still very retard updates.They should fix problems in their crew in my opinion

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The original nurbering is linked in approved races for PS3 users at least! lol

Edited by paulmgrath
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The original link to the Nurburgring for PS3 is here ;)



Hey man...they didnt give you any sort of mail or anything regaurding the removal?


Also how much warning did you get when they verified it?

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They have also removed a dozen of their own created races.

I know a few had 85% + ratings too.

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The original link to the Nurburgring for PS3 is here ;)



Hey man...they didnt give you any sort of mail or anything regaurding the removal?


Also how much warning did you get when they verified it?

Nope, No notification nor email at all. And i can't find any sort of warning too.
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I remade that one. http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/Khaizarana/games/gtav/jobs/job/3fjbgDNsrEaG83HBtK_6jw?platformId=1 if the creator of the original is on here my apologies if you think I've copied for my own advantage, only reason I did is because there was a thread I started about them removing such a good track, and people were gutted they never played it, so was by demand I did that. If you want it deleted let me know.

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I remade that one. http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/Khaizarana/games/gtav/jobs/job/3fjbgDNsrEaG83HBtK_6jw?platformId=1 if the creator of the original is on here my apologies if you think I've copied for my own advantage, only reason I did is because there was a thread I started about them removing such a good track, and people were gutted they never played it, so was by demand I did that. If you want it deleted let me know.

I am happy to hear that this track is now available on Xbox :)
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