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Whats your favorite story driven game?

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What is your personal favorite?

Here is my top 10 Not in any order as they are all great IMO

1. TLOU, Left behind

2. Heavy rain

3. Beyond two souls

4. RDR


6. Bioshock infinite

7. Brothers a tale of two sons

8.L.A Noire

9. Mafia 2

10. Tomb raider 2013


I haven't played TWD but i hear its very good and will no doubt be my next purchase on the PSN store. I'm big in to games like these so if you have any recommendations please tell me.

Edited by MrHAZ3
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This thread on a GTAForum, it'll blow your mind, top lels.


I really liked the story behind Sanitarium, because it was more complex than it appeared, there was like two layers of the story, one which everyone knew and one you only found out when you connected the dots (which the game didn't help you with at all, you'd have to figure it all out of yourself AND in your free time while not playing the game). That's what made it unique I think.


Otherwise it would've been Baldur's Gate II, but even though the writing and dialogues there are really awesome. The story of "you're a demi-god, everyone's trying to kill you and steal your power" is a bit unoriginsl.

Edited by Fireman

I think Gears of War (The Trilogy) is a great example but the 2nd game was my best shooter game of All-Time along with Max Payne 3.Why?

Gears of War 2 put CoD and BF to shame in terms of innovation even though CoD is a Megablockbuster like GTA.Gears of War 2 had;

*Great Story

*Emotional Characters

*Great Multiplayer

and it was the first game in History you can execute Monsters (in the case of the Locust) and the first Horror game (?) you can chainsaw and do a chainsaw battle with an enemy.I am sure RES and TLoU didnt or never had these.


I would have to say Spec Ops: The Line.

The gameplay wasn't anything new, but that story...that freaking story blew my mind. I play a lot of games, and the only thing I can think of that can tie with Spec Ops' story is The Witcher series and STALKER series.

Edited by RyanBurnsRed

It depends what you mean by story driven, it seems on here that it goes to any game with a story that is converyed through cutscenes, on that logic, I would pick GTA V as I consider it to be the best game of all time, I even like the story that everyone hates, it's not quite as good as GTA IV's story but the gameplay is leaps and bounds better and gameplay is the most important aspect of a game.


Becuase the term 'story driven' can describe nearly every single game nowadays, I use the term to describe games that sacrifice gameplay for story (Mass Effect 2 or Metal Gear Solid 4 for example), in that case, I don't have a favourite, as I hate any game that does that.

Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 & 3.


I actually care so much about that storyline that it is the only game series in history that I actually care more about what happens in the story than the gameplay at this point. I am not like that with anything else. That to me is something pretty damn special.

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Heavy Rain is my personal favorite.


This. I really liked Heavy Rain. I wish I still had it though.

Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 & 3.


I actually care so much about that storyline that it is the only game series in history that I actually care more about what happens in the story than the gameplay at this point. I am not like that with anything else. That to me is something pretty damn special.

Same here, bro. Same here.


MGSV is, at the moment, the only game I'm looking forward for because of the storyline.

Mafia II

Interesting choice, which I have to agree with. I actually liked the story, mostly because for me, it was quite unpredictable. Through gameplay-wise... well this topic isn't about the gameplay, so let's leave it at that.


Mafia II

Interesting choice, which I have to agree with. I actually liked the story, mostly because for me, it was quite unpredictable. Through gameplay-wise... well this topic isn't about the gameplay, so let's leave it at that.


It had some good points, though for me nothing compares to the first game. It was over 10 years since I played it but god damn, so many varied missions and areas, I think I felt so much more in the 40s there than any other game, even LA Noire. sh*t was epic.

Hmmm nice bike

I quite enjoyed Max Payne series as a whole. I never got around to playing the first two until 2011, but I thought the stories were great. They were dark, depressing, they kept me interested, and they were atmospheric (I even played through them during a rough point in time for me, and the weather was being just as nasty as it was in the games, so Max Payne was practically a refuge for me!), and it actually got me looking forward to the third even more. I made sure to buy it the week of its release and I was not disappointed, and to me, Max Payne 3 is also one of the best third-person shooters I've played.

  • Like 2



Mafia II

Interesting choice, which I have to agree with. I actually liked the story, mostly because for me, it was quite unpredictable. Through gameplay-wise... well this topic isn't about the gameplay, so let's leave it at that.


It had some good points, though for me nothing compares to the first game. It was over 10 years since I played it but god damn, so many varied missions and areas, I think I felt so much more in the 40s there than any other game, even LA Noire. sh*t was epic.


True that. It captured the 40's better than any other game could. And even the gunplay was quite close to realistic, which is also a plus for me.

Red Dead Redemption, that game was f*cking amazing, its depiction of the dying days of the Wild West's perhaps the greatest videogame rendition of a real-life time period ever crafted. Though it doesn't take the number one spot with ease, Final Fantasy VII, The Witcher: 2, The Last of Us, Mass Effect 2, TWD-S1, Bioshock 1, Infinite and the absolutely incredible Spec Ops: The Line all come unbelievably close to taking the top spot.

Detective Phelps

Red Dead Redemption, GTA IV, Heavy Rain, the Elder Scrolls series, and the Fallout series all have excellent stories.


Out of those, RDR is on top, because of John's story, and it's end.

Red Dead Redemption, GTA IV, Heavy Rain, the Elder Scrolls series, and the Fallout series all have excellent stories.


Out of those, RDR is on top, because of John's story, and it's end.

Damn you just spoiled the game for me,now i will never finish the game Lol :)

Edited by Blood-Is-in-Diamond

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