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PS3 install issue


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Hello guys, I'm new here and I'm writing this because I've exhausted every resource I can think of at this point and am hoping to finally find and explanation for this problem. About a month ago I purchased gta5 for ps3 used from gamestop. As soon as I popped it in it asked me to update to 1.10 which downloaded without a problem. Then came the 8000mb which again was able to complete 100% but from there it asked for me to choose my brightness and then got caught in an infinite loading screen. I've tried everything I can think of from, deleting the game data and save data and restoring the file system and rebuilding the data base. I then went back to gamestop and told them of my problems and they swapped out the game for another. I went home and installed and again I was able to install completely but afterwards had the same infinite loading screen. I know I have more than enough space on my hard drive as I have 78GB still available and I don't think the problem is with the system itself because it is able to load and run every other game I own. Is there any chance that I may need to clean the lens of the ps3? I've noticed with some games i.e. Skyrim and mass effect 2 that I'll have some frame rate drops and longer loading screens and the lens is the only thing that I can see causing a problem that I haven't yet tried. Again, sorry if this has been asked before but I've literally searched and called everywhere with little help. Any replies or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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What type of PS3 do you have? (slim, fat, super slim?)


So every other game works fine except for this one which makes it seem like it could be the discs. But then you say you swapped out for another copy and got the same exact problem which makes it seem like it could be the system.


Are you sure the guy who gave you another copy didn't just wipe the same used disc with a cloth and give it back to you? lol. It's an interesting issue and I really can't think of anything else that could be causing it.


P.S. Yeah it is possible it could be the lens.

Edited by NYC PATROL
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It's a slim model. I'm currently using a lens cleaner, so hopefully that works. Aside from that the only other option I can think of is sending it to Sony and having them replace it. I'll keep you posted and thank you for your reply. It's unfortunate that I've had the game for nearly a month and haven't been able to enjoy it.

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