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found it


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not sure if its known or not but


unarmed buzzard spawns ontop of the police station at the impound lot, stick around for a few minutes and one will eventually spawn

it feels a lot easier to control

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Having two friends shoot from the sides would be beyond awesome

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Having two friends shoot from the sides would be beyond awesome

lock on with a "real" buzzard - hattrick!

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Nice little find my friend good to see a interesting post :) better than the this has been ruined or that has been ruined posts!

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Nice find. Not seen one personally in a long while. Wish they were purchasable, for a fraction of the price of an attack Buzzard.

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Nice find. Not seen one personally in a long while. Wish they were purchasable, for a fraction of the price of an attack Buzzard.

I say 33% would suffice.

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not sure if its known or not but


unarmed buzzard spawns ontop of the police station at the impound lot, stick around for a few minutes and one will eventually spawn

it feels a lot easier to control

I actually found this one as well, as I was taking off from the hospital roof across the way. It's probably the fastest chopper in the game next to the ambulance one. But the frogger is my personal favorite, unless this every chopper becomes readily available at some point.

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Yeah I found this but never went for it again effectively forgetting about it. thanks for the tip.

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I always knew that a buzzard there, never knew it was un-armed though. There's another buzzard spawn on the police station roof here...


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I always knew that a buzzard there, never knew it was un-armed though. There's another buzzard spawn on the police station roof here...


just went there now, an ambulance chopper spawned and it was LOCKED, theres actually an animation for breaking into a helicopter

when i got in, it also had the radio on flylo fm, why lol

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I always knew that a buzzard there, never knew it was un-armed though. There's another buzzard spawn on the police station roof here...


when i had the 2car garage at the cab co. i always walked by there going to the ammunation in your pic, so i made a habit of checking that roof. i've seen the unarmed buzzard, ambulance chopper and the police chopper there, also there's been times when nothing had spawned there. so i would say that spawn point is pretty random really. BTW that roof is a good stand off spot for the most part. i can't say nobody can get to you, but it's not easy getting to someone holed up on there. well unless your using a chopper to get to someone up there of course. :lol:

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Soran Is On

Thread of the day right here. (99% of posts in gtao forums is bitching)


This is why I come back to these forums. ACTUAL COOL OR NEAT INFO THAT IS RARE.


If more than 50% of the threads you post are your opinion/bitching. The other 50% better be new info/ brainstorming threads. If not, GET THE f*ck OUT THESE FORUMS.


And look at me bitching, I managed to keep it to a post instead of making a thread about it. Look at me go.

Edited by stonedpimpso
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Well said Soran...I love the 1-2 things I learn per day even while sifting through the incredulous amounts of bitch threads.

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Saw it once, took it for a spin, very nice to fly.

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Sussus Amongus

This has been found by the the guys at unique vehicle quest a long time ago.

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I saw it there once when I was flying but I was quite high and thought it was just the Attack Buzzard.


Cool. :)

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This has been found by the the guys at unique vehicle quest a long time ago.

that's nice, but so what? not everyone is a unique vehicle quest guy you know. infact i bet a lot of people don't even know what UVQ is or means and probibly do not care either. i know i don't. :lol:

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Sussus Amongus


This has been found by the the guys at unique vehicle quest a long time ago.


that's nice, but so what? not everyone is a unique vehicle quest guy you know. infact i bet a lot of people don't even know what UVQ is or means and probibly do not care either. i know i don't. :lol: It's a thread :p
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So there is an unarmed one. That must be what I got a long time back in the dark. I jumped in it and was getting pissed it had no missiles. I thought it was a bug.

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