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Rhino tank SP Durability w/ Save edit?


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So one day I recently decided to do the SP to MP with a chrome and pink tank. (Cuz why not? ;3) I used the Hazard save editor to change my current vehicle to a rhino tank because for some reason my game won't load my garage when I edit it into the garage. it was missing a bunch of panels and also the MG on the top. I just assumed it was normal.


So I brought it online and got a few funny reactions, then some dude destroys it with a few sticky bombs! I did some research and found out that SP tanks have literally no durability to explosions/gunshots.


Armor settings don't affect the Rhino tank at all so, is there a way to make the Rhino tank as good as it is in MP using the advanced settings in the save editor?


All I figured out so far is that Body Style set to "255" brings back all the Panels and the MG on the top.. but it's still weak.

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