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My first Modder encounter.

Bus Rider 1

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Bus Rider 1

I just got on today to play with my crew. While I was in the session, one the members started screaming about being launched high in the air. Another reported of a random player in our session, flying around in a lime green buzzard which I thought it was just some guy who brought in one using the SP to MP glitch.


The rest of the members were curious of what was happening, so we drove to the area of where our member saw the green Buzzard. We managed to find it, near the golf course.


To our horror, we found a large pile up of emergency vehicles, with the police shooting at a player in the area. That player turned out to be the Sasquatch from one of Franklin's Strangers and Freaks missions.


Then out of the blue, one of the members asked the 'Sasquatch" for a Stun gun. Then the entire lobby (from what they were saying from their mics) said that they were immediately all randomly equipped with a Stun Gun. Soon, chaos broke out between the players in the session.



While everyone was stunning each other, the Modder was changing his/her character model in the game. From the Sasquatch, to a naked hillbilly from one of the cults in the mountains, to an alien from the Vinewood Studios. It was quite funny for some of us.




Then we all ran to him for photos, but instead he froze us in our place. We could hear each other through our mics, but we were frozen on our screen. I guess the Modder must have frozen us and left. Though I wish I could have gotten more photos if it wasn't for the numerous interruptions of being stunned to the ground.


(I'm not sure I should put the Modder's GT on here, but one of my crew members already reported him on R* Support.)


edit: If you want to meet him/her, his GT is: ATK Pirate V2 . Somehow, my crew leader managed to add him before we froze.

Edited by Nakura
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That actually looks quite cool. At least he was making the session fun for people. Rather than childishly trying to get his K/D ratio up or pissing people off in god mode...

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Do o thought gta v would stay relatively fun and modder free. How long before we are Perma set on fire or killed with random explosion

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Most of the modders I've met have pretty cool too. Just up for f*cking around and having a laugh rather than killing everyone.

What is it with modders and bright green though? They anyways have their vehicles/characters/weapons/clothes some sort of horrible lime colour.

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Sugar Free Nos

Now THAT looks like a good time.

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Bus Rider 1

We should have stun guns in Online

It was fun just stunning people around the street. I never thought you could stun people online.

The modder managed to make one of our female members leave because there was a dick hanging of the hillbilly's crotch.

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We should have stun guns in Online

It was fun just stunning people around the street. I never thought you could stun people online.

The modder managed to make one of our female members leave because there was a dick hanging of the hillbilly's crotch.


what she was offended by that, so did she ever leave sp when she saw naked hillbillies?

Edited by DevsNzL
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Bus Rider 1



We should have stun guns in Online

It was fun just stunning people around the street. I never thought you could stun people online.

The modder managed to make one of our female members leave because there was a dick hanging of the hillbilly's crotch.


what she was offended by that, so did she ever leave sp when she saw naked hillbillies?


She never played SP, so I'm guessing this was her first time seeing a GTA dick

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grand theft spaghetti

reporting modders to rockstar...all that does is get the modder a friend request from rockstar and an open invite to the next live stream.


now give me a bigfoot costume on the next dlc. enough with the friggin business suits and give us something fun. im sick of all the trolls in white pimp outfits. give them actual troll costumes.

Edited by ijustcameheretobeeotch
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Bus Rider 1

Do o thought gta v would stay relatively fun and modder free. How long before we are Perma set on fire or killed with random explosion

At least that didn't happen to us.

i don't want any more 'memorable' moments from GTA IV online...

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Gotta love the fun modders that give players all kinds of stuff and don't just go about killing players while in god mode.

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so, you all had a jolly good time, then reported the guy... classy.



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so, you all had a jolly good time, then reported the guy... classy.



My thoughts exactly...

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Bus Rider 1

Damn I really want that Sasquatch gear haha

The suit made the player seem much taller than the rest of us. I wish we could have that suit for a future DLC.



so, you all had a jolly good time, then reported the guy... classy.



My thoughts exactly...


I didn't report him, I had a lot of fun in that session. It was another crew member who reported him.

Edited by Nakura
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Damn I really want that Sasquatch gear haha

The suit made the player seem much taller than the rest of us. I wish we could have that suit for a future DLC.



so, you all had a jolly good time, then reported the guy... classy.



My thoughts exactly...


I didn't report him, I had a lot of fun in that session. It was another crew member who reported him.


i dunno man, but i'd encourage someone like that strongly to leave my crew... you know, guilty by association and sh*t.

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Sugar Free Nos


Damn I really want that Sasquatch gear haha

The suit made the player seem much taller than the rest of us. I wish we could have that suit for a future DLC.



Well, it wasn't a suit, he actually changed his character model.


So, that model was taller.

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Bus Rider 1



Damn I really want that Sasquatch gear haha

The suit made the player seem much taller than the rest of us. I wish we could have that suit for a future DLC.



so, you all had a jolly good time, then reported the guy... classy.



My thoughts exactly...


I didn't report him, I had a lot of fun in that session. It was another crew member who reported him.


i dunno man, but i'd encourage someone like that strongly to leave my crew... you know, guilty by association and sh*t.


That 'someone' was the female member who left because of an in game d*ck. :lol:

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Damn I really want that Sasquatch gear haha

The suit made the player seem much taller than the rest of us. I wish we could have that suit for a future DLC.



so, you all had a jolly good time, then reported the guy... classy.



My thoughts exactly...


I didn't report him, I had a lot of fun in that session. It was another crew member who reported him.


i dunno man, but i'd encourage someone like that strongly to leave my crew... you know, guilty by association and sh*t.


That 'someone' was the female member who left because of an in game d*ck. :lol:


i guess she has her reasons... it's a cruel world. especially for a girl. on the internet. innocent and alone.


and that's about the beginning of every rape porn fan fic ever made.

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Damn I really want that Sasquatch gear haha

The suit made the player seem much taller than the rest of us. I wish we could have that suit for a future DLC.



Well, it wasn't a suit, he actually changed his character model.


So, that model was taller.


Wonder if you could shot the mask off his head and it would the guy from SP underneath.

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OP's encounter is a change from the usual ones armed with automatic tank pistols I've encountered.

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