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Is my Turismo possessed?


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Okay so I came online, went into my garage took my Turismo R to respray it at the LSC. Then I went back to my garage to change cars but when I entered this happenend:




It was just floating there first but then after a minute or 2 it fell forward:




After that it got really weird; the right door was opening/closing by itself multiple times, as if it was possessed:




I went outside of my garage (without a ca) to see if I could resolve it, but when I went back in....




It duped! But when I wanted to drive the duped one out of the garage it didn't work, it just showed me walking outside instead of the car animation. Then I suddenly hear some kid screaming something like: "WTF MAN?? I GOT 11 CARS IN MY GARAGE COME SEE THIS!!".

I asked him what kind of car it was and yes, it was my "dark-red Turismo"...

He invited me to his garage and there it was, my possessed Turismo:




He couldn't get in though.

A few minutes later another guy had my car in his garage too..


Is this a known glitch? Or is my car really possessed?

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Oh sh*t.... sorry man, that was my bad...

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*cue X-files music starts playing*


I've never seen this before, probably just a minor glitch so no, your Turismo isn't possesed

Edited by Gta-freak-VI
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Is this a known glitch? Or is my car really possessed?


Is this a serious question?

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thats the spirit of the cheetah they reskinned to "make" the turismo...

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Lol let me guess, your on Xbox? Dam crimson ghost just t-bagged your garage son!


Edited by Sushi__Wolf
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Everyone uses the exact same 10 Car garage-garage. So if everyone is at their garage at the same time, people can only see themselves (and whoever has been invited in their garage) and their own cars, no one else. So if a car tends to be duplicated inside the garage, it has no ownership and will be in the actual 10 car garage room. So whoever goes inside their own garage will see all the duplicated cars.


The easiest way to duplicate every car is to have a friend in your garage, probably on the laptop. Leave the game in your garage while your friend is in your garage and rejoin. All your cars should duplicate and everyone in the lobby that has the same garage will have a car party/mess.


It's retarded to explain, or I'm just retarded. HARD TO EXPLAIN KAY? :(


EDIT: Do you ever realize that when you go to a job and leave it inside your garage, you'll spawn at a park near the police station and the ammunation? That's because the garage is virtually located there.


I can't explain stuff properly -.-

Edited by SuperFlyMeatbaww
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Never seen that glitch before but it reminds me of the similar glitch that happened to me when i went to clothes my character was floating did this one ever happen to you as well?

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I have logged in to other people's cars in my garage. One time all these pink and purple hideous cars would spawn every time I went in my garage. I had to leave the session to get rid of them.





I also had a hummer that seemed to be bagged, it was always bouncing back and forth.




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It's the Devil's work. My Buffalo is also possessed lol



Happened to my Sandking

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Everyone uses the exact same 10 Car garage-garage. So if everyone is at their garage at the same time, people can only see themselves (and whoever has been invited in their garage) and their own cars, no one else. So if a car tends to be duplicated inside the garage, it has no ownership and will be in the actual 10 car garage room. So whoever goes inside their own garage will see all the duplicated cars.


The easiest way to duplicate every car is to have a friend in your garage, probably on the laptop. Leave the game in your garage while your friend is in your garage and rejoin. All your cars should duplicate and everyone in the lobby that has the same garage will have a car party/mess.


It's retarded to explain, or I'm just retarded. HARD TO EXPLAIN KAY? :(


EDIT: Do you ever realize that when you go to a job and leave it inside your garage, you'll spawn at a park near the police station and the ammunation? That's because the garage is virtually located there.


I can't explain stuff properly -.-


I tried this in a friend's garage not too long ago and here are the results:



Edited by NikkoCharger
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So your cars got lifted a few meters?


Pff... That's nothing.


Possessed lvl: Over 9000!!!






My friend parked his car on the road when it suddenly started floating in the air, getting higher and higher... We couldn't take more pictures due to our snapmatic space being full the car kept going and going until we couldn't see it anymore.


We quickly ran to get a helicopter to follow it but it took us a while and then we couldn't find it. His personal vehicle logo was still on his minimap so the car basically breached the sky limit and probably passed heaven...

Edited by Zorvaine
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