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[PS3] The Orange BanArmy


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Who are we?


Well, we are a PS3 crew looking to recruit members for general fun online, doing races and creating races in the creator. Were not a crew out to set any records, we just want members at this current point.


Why the silly crew name?


Our past crew went seriously wrong. Our president had gone AWOL and the name of the crew wasn't very good. We are a very similar crew to the past crew (Thunder Down Under T), but it is me who is the president. Our name originates from when we are racing, we usually select different colours for standard vehicles, naming them from fruit (Yellow = Banana) etc. As you can tell, our sense of humor is unique, but we do welcome any new members that have a colorful personality. We know the name is a bit silly, but wouldn't you want to stand out? :p


Where are you from?


We love our cars, and originate from the game TDU2 (Test Drive Unlimited 2) and we were the club called TDU2 Legends UK (another not so exciting name). We generally play car games, and in GTA we do a lot of racing, but are not hardcore racers as such. We have also played previous R* titles such as Red Dead Redemption and GTAIV.


Your future plans?


We don't aim to have too many members, but we would be honored if that happens. Our aim is to enjoy what we have on GTA Online, whether it is doing fun things in freemode or creating crazy races in the editor, we do like to enjoy our time on GTA. We are only at around 9 members at the moment, and we are expecting more transferring from the previous crew in the upcoming weeks.


Things we would like to do is get our own forum, as a spike in activity in our crew has recently occurred, so a little website where we could keep images, videos, events and discussion would be great. Please PM me if you want to help us with a website, it would be appreciated.


So, if you want to join now, you have plenty of opportunity to become a respected member of our small community, and you could seriously help us.


How to join?


Simply click on our social club link below, and select join. Our crew is open, and requires no invite. Feel free to leave and join at your will, we are not the forceful kind here at TLUK. You can post here any questions you have, or you can send messages to us on here, social club or on PSN if you want to announce that you are joining. Just please respect all of our members.




Social club: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/the_orange_banarmy


Crew tag: TLUK


Creation Date: Friday 7th March 2014


Crew forum: http://tlukforum.com/


Crew emblem: emblem_128.png




Crew leader



eugene4259, mclaren6, Sharingan_sonic

Total Members: 28

As you can tell we are a fairly small crew at the moment. If you have any questions or things crew related to post, use this thread :).

Edited by Drive_ByShooting
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OP Updated


- Now added a member count

- Got rid of every ranking other than president and commissioners on the list, check our full list of people at our social club page

- Crossed out some outdated info

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  • 3 weeks later...

We now have over 25 members! Thank you to all who found your way here.


A lot more activity planned over the next few weeks, when the highlife finally arrives. Hope to catch more people joining, but 25 members has exceeded expectations :)

Edited by Drive_ByShooting
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