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[SP]Anybody else stop at every red light?


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When driving obviously, it would look a bit weird doing it on foot. I have also started driving in the bonnet view, certainly makes for a more immersive experience in my opinion. I'll only put my foot down when I get a text saying one of my properties are attack or if I see a criminal making of with somebody's belongings.

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I tend to stop at the red lights when I decide to police roleplay, but other than that, I don't really bother.

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nah i get more pleasure causing chaos, although sometimes I use bonnet view for them more stoned moments :)

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After I'm completed everything besides space ship, toxic waste and submarine parts (eventually did/do it when on new game files) I try obey the traffic lights and road rules only other drivers are terrible!

Don't know if others notice that drivers will just switch lanes you're in, nudge or hit your car, pullout at the last moment when you're closer or spawn at a corner you about to take or from behind and smash into you/them! They turn and cut corners that smash into your car. Or move when the lights green and if you turn left they either will quickly or just stop because the roads rules in areas or compact with confusion. Like the stop here, but can go straight or turn right in this lane if lights red which leads to other cars smashing your car if you going straight and the lights red... So it is hard and game feels other drivers are on the road to be in your way or for you to not follow and obey the rules..

Edited by Syphiroth
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If I'm bored and I'm in my tourismo R or any other supercar then I'll be stoping at every red light😄

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Cutter De Blanc

God no, some of those things last like two real world minutes.


I do sometimes though, mainly as Michael, and almost never as Trevor. Franklin every so often, but he's a dumb kid and an adrenaline junkie, so I usually just go 100mph through downtown smash into a turning bus and die as him. :catspider:

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I love driving around the city, when I'm alone or with other drivers. You'll catch me doing hot laps on the expressway. And yes I do stop at red lights, when I'm just driving for the hell of it.


EDIT: I too use hood view I will not cruse w/o it. Nor do I have cars with hoods that won't allow you to use hood view.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Simply Logic

Not until GTA V has a ducking/crouch ability. Unimtil then there is no point in trying to be realistic.

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Nah, might aswell drive a real car if your going to do that, the fun of GTA is that you can do whatever you like with no real consequences. Do love the hood view though, especially when high, even in planes

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Gnocchi Flip Flops

I could in Liberty City, but most of the stoplights in Los Santos are longer than the ones in real life so I don't even bother most of the time.

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Alec Skorpio

I stop at them during missions until the dialogue is done, then I usually just drive to the destination as fast but still carefully as possible.

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I tried doing this before, but knowing me, who I am I get impatient and end up driving off. Like I can be bothered with that. Someone mentioned roleplay as well. I used to do that back when I were a kid, roleplaying as a cop or a full-time gangster back in the old days on San Andreas. Good times :)

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If i'm in a personal supercar or high-end sports car, yeah. The traffic on here aren't bad at all. They sometimes stop in the middle of the street which causes me some road rage and horn honking or drive really slow around the western coastal highway at some parts, but they are way better than Mafia 2's ai drivers. Sheesh....

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Haha sometimes. If I'm on a mission then probably not unless I want to hear the rest of a characters dialogue. Then I'll go on slow joyride to the destination

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I tend to drive properly stopping at lights, staying within the speed limit, avoid crashing on the highways. I hardly speed or anything because to me it makes the map more real by driving properly, I park in bays I do everything I would in real life

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A lot of people mite disagree, but i have found that driving like an NPC (not the Sentinal guy) and stoping at lights and yielding the right of way actually reduces stuoid NPCs running into me by at least 90%.


If you notice, when an NPC runs into you, they usually have the right of way, meaning that you would techically be at fault if it were a real life collision. The only time if doesnt happen seems to be when NPCs changes lanes aimlessly right into you. But NPC drivers are predictable because all of them usually change lanes in the same spots in notmal driving situations.


In conclusion, a large number of collisions are avoidable if you follow the rules of the road. Like in real life :)

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