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where can I get a vapid speedo?


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cant you buy it from SASA?

Edited by mo-seph
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Look around Lester's warehouse and the building site from High Priority Case, the street where Mors Mutual is located. Different vans always spawn there.

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There is a van near the strip club(i think) but you need to sp 2 mp it.

Another one spawns at the Pacific Bluffs? beach resort,near a garage door

or you can switch to trevor,most of the time he's tying a people on a pole under the pier.

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I know one appears in Crystal Clearout III, but from what my friends and I have tried; there is no way to come out of the mission with it.


Much like you can for the Phoenix and the FIB Granger/Buffalo from their respective missions. (No Hay Bronca and Hack and Dash ~ Seemingly you only need one vehicle to complete H&K now and then spawn out of the mission while driving the one that wasn't delivered.

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Biggie Kaniff

Is it storable?


You can't mod it at all so it's pretty much useless. Without BP tires you'll just get your tires shot out all the time.

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