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How To Change Character Skin Color

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The title was kinda misleading though. U wanna make sure you be specific with your titles. It says "How To" people will be expecting you to tell them how to change your characters skin color. Most people on this forum will either make hate comments or troll you etc. So yeah don't say how to, if you're not explaining anything. Just food for thought.

En1gma 0nyx

id like to shed some light into this, i had called rockstar tech support about changing my player and i had just got my CE and i wanted to use MY DLC that I paid for, wel tech support said there was noway for this to be possible?....although at certain point after the tutorial you get a second chance, now i thought they cant do that....this is what angers me because i know they can...ever since then ive felt quite screwed over

This is one of the simple things we should be able to do, change our character's physical looks. Just do like Saints Row and open up a plastic surgery location and charge us $5,000 or something like that to change our looks/gender. Especially if the new updates give us more grandparents to choose from.

You can't. Once you've created your character at the beginning when you first start, you get one more chance at like level 10 to change it, but if you click no then thats it. I'm hoping Rockstar will bring out an update that includes a plastic surgeon like on Saints Row...


Excuse me for forgetting to put a damn ? mark in mytitle. Are we all gonna go on strike!!??


And Im not being racist. I have a black boyfriend. So um, you wanna go on?

excuse me stop trolling these people are only trying to help

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