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GTA Online ruined GTA.

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To keep it short and not de-railing the thread, I'll say this: You probably haven't been into the GTAV section when the game was first released.

You lost me, since I've been on GTAF for 11 years I've been here for all the debuts. What do you mean about the GTA V section? That entitled kiddies were complaining?

Not just that, 90% of the 'crying' was why GTAV isn't basically a GTA:SA 2.0 just because both are in the same state (San Andreas).


(The other 10% was from the TLAD fanboys who cry on a VIDEOGAME character.....you know what I mean if you played through the story)






GTA:SA is what ruined the series, with everybody wants a GTA:SA 2.0 version, not Online.

Really. I would like to hear, in great detail, why San Andreas "ruined the series."


C'mon lay it on us. Remember to use proper punctuation, tabs before new paragraphs and two spaces between sentences!

He's saying that GTA:SA set the bar so high, that nothing will ever measure up as far as fans are concerned...

I'm not saying that GTA:SA is bad, its the damn fans of it. If you ever been into the GTAV forum when the game was first released, you'll know what I mean.

Almost all the GTA:SA :fans" though that, just because GTAV is set in San Andreas they though "omg GTA:SA 2.0!!!!111oneone", and when the game was released, and they got disappointed, "y u no ad San Fierro 'n' Las Venturas kokstar???? u sok!!11one" threads were everywhere.


That's why I wished that GTA:SA had never existed, so the f*cking fanboys who almost ruined the series with their crying wouldn't exist too. (Sad though, for me at least, GTA:SA is the second best GTA ever made yet, ties with TBOGT)


i can some what agree with you on that im sick of people asking for the jet pack

And who asks and cries for this in your opinion? SA fanboys.


Use your brain bro, game was delayed. game was released unfinished with many things missing, buggy as f*ck. We still dont have heists so clearly the f*cking sh*t ass game was rushed out unfinished, theres no denying it.

You don't even know what rushed means. Stop talking.

  • Like 1

Wait what? Single player games dont last anymore? The Fallout series is still very strong with fans screaming for a sequel, along with that the elder scrolls games! How about the Yakuza series! That has one hell of a cult following, no online multiplayer for that! Far Cry 3 had primitive multiplayer that was never updated and is regarded by many as its game of the year. To add to that GTA IV's multi player was hella basic, and yet there was no shortage of sales! THE MOTHER f*ckING SIMS, one of the greatest selling games of all time that has people playing it every day in all the generations of the game! I could add to this but I think the point was made.


In depth multiplayer does not have to be implemented to keep their sales at all. I think its kinda cool to see rockstar trying their hand at something new, but I do not think it is the way of the future and the end of great single player GTA, or rockstar single player titles..... Then again thats what we said many years ago about war craft making more RTS titles :/


Your seriously implying that multi-play and then online multi-player isn't a huge component for Halo's success.


Use your brain bro, game was delayed. game was released unfinished with many things missing, buggy as f*ck. We still dont have heists so clearly the f*cking sh*t ass game was rushed out unfinished, theres no denying it.

You don't even know what rushed means. Stop talking.


apparently you dont, so here you go. maybe you confused since i said it was delayed, but the reason it was delayed is because it wasnt finished. They rushed to try and finish and made many errors. now maybe you understand? lol!


  1. done or completed too hurriedly; hasty.
    "a rushed job"
    • (of a person) short of time; hurrying.
      "I 'm too rushed to do it"
Edited by sultangris

In some senses OP, you're right. However, the issue isn't so much that Online ruined it so much as the balance between practical expectations such as money packs and gameplay is constantly being teetered against the player in an obvious way. At this point, there's basically three ways to get a serious bank account number: Glitching, Grinding or Shark Card. Grinding takes a more honest and dedicated player so that mostly leaves Glitching or Shark Cards. I don't decry R* as being EA Jr but there's a blatant rubbish logic in place where they keep severely dropping payouts or trying to discourage players from grinding. Why is it bad to discourage the grinders? Because then that leaves either the exploiters and the Shark Card users. In the end, Online is treading a very thin tightrope over a two-sided pit between 'Free to Play, Pay to Win' and poor updating logic. I'm not against the Shark Card but more against Rockstar's unseen but felt presence of 'Oh....that home costs 4,000,000. Too bad, guess you gotta grind, or....you COULD buy a Shark Card!"

In some senses OP, you're right. However, the issue isn't so much that Online ruined it so much as the balance between practical expectations such as money packs and gameplay is constantly being teetered against the player in an obvious way. At this point, there's basically three ways to get a serious bank account number: Glitching, Grinding or Shark Card. Grinding takes a more honest and dedicated player so that mostly leaves Glitching or Shark Cards. I don't decry R* as being EA Jr but there's a blatant rubbish logic in place where they keep severely dropping payouts or trying to discourage players from grinding. Why is it bad to discourage the grinders? Because then that leaves either the exploiters and the Shark Card users. In the end, Online is treading a very thin tightrope over a two-sided pit between 'Free to Play, Pay to Win' and poor updating logic. I'm not against the Shark Card but more against Rockstar's unseen but felt presence of 'Oh....that home costs 4,000,000. Too bad, guess you gotta grind, or....you COULD buy a Shark Card!"

yea i agree, its all about balance, most people dont have time to game 16 hours a day and while it should take some time to unlock things and earn money to buy stuff it shouldnt take forever or its not fun, the grinding becomes where you spend all your time and you never actually play the game having fun, lol! Balance is key. rockstar f*cked the pooch royally on this one, glitching is so easy and grinding missions dont pay sh*t and thats why everyone is either glitching or playing something else. I dont mind buying cash cards for games but it has to be reasonable, im not gonna pay 20 real dollars for enough game dollars to buy a couple days worth of ammunition, car insurance and hospital bills , go f*ck yourselves, lol!

V HoneyBadger V

The people that keep moaning about San Andreas being the best probably never even played the story and just whacked on a load of cheats and messed about for hours. Not everyone but quite a few.

Sorry, but that does not really count as playing the game.


GTA Online didn't ruin GTA. The fans did. They wanted San Andreas 2.0 but Rockstar decided to have a more refined game with structure. GTAV was extremely ambitious, and most people seem to forget that.

Rockstar took a lot of risks with content and coding, in order to prove what they could do. They had to discount some things that fans enjoyed to provide something new and different.

GTA V is a masterpiece, lets not doubt that. Imagine what it will look like on next-generation consoles.

I'm not saying that San Andreas was bad, because I personally loved it. The way gangs were more emphasised was cool. I feel the game truly put Rockstar in the spotlight for being one of the big developers of our time.

My only gripe with GTA V's map is the removal of the other cities. But I accept that hardware issues are a big factor with the old consoles, and Rockstar did say before release that they will add new areas. Bring on the next gen versions!

Edited by V HoneyBadger V
  • Like 1

The people that keep moaning about San Andreas being the best probably never even played the story and just whacked on a load of cheats and messed about for hours. Not everyone but quite a few.

Sorry, but that does not really count as playing the game.


GTA Online didn't ruin GTA. The fans did. They wanted San Andreas 2.0 but Rockstar decided to have a more refined game with structure. GTAV was extremely ambitious, and most people seem to forget that.

Rockstar took a lot of risks with content and coding, in order to prove what they could do. They had to discount some things that fans enjoyed to provide something new and different.

GTA V is a masterpiece, lets not doubt that. Imagine what it will look like on next-generation consoles.

I'm not saying that San Andreas was bad, because I personally loved it. The way gangs were more emphasised was cool. I feel the game truly put Rockstar in the spotlight for being one of the big developers of our time.

My only gripe with GTA V's map is the removal of the other cities. But I accept that hardware issues are a big factor with the old consoles, and Rockstar did say before release that they will add new areas. Bring on the next gen versions!

san andreas was not my favorite, while the large map and multiple cities and car mods were very cool and i wish this game had those there were also many things that made it suck, the stupid ass gang wars constantly when you just happened to be on the other side of the map so it took 10 min to get there and you lost them if you werent there in 2 minutes really sucked. 4 was my favorite, then vice city probably. I never played san andreas as much as i played the previous ones and the ones that came after it but i can appreciate the cool stuff it had that is now lacking.


The people that keep moaning about San Andreas being the best probably never even played the story and just whacked on a load of cheats and messed about for hours. Not everyone but quite a few.

Sorry, but that does not really count as playing the game.


GTA Online didn't ruin GTA. The fans did. They wanted San Andreas 2.0 but Rockstar decided to have a more refined game with structure. GTAV was extremely ambitious, and most people seem to forget that.

Rockstar took a lot of risks with content and coding, in order to prove what they could do. They had to discount some things that fans enjoyed to provide something new and different.

GTA V is a masterpiece, lets not doubt that. Imagine what it will look like on next-generation consoles.

I'm not saying that San Andreas was bad, because I personally loved it. The way gangs were more emphasised was cool. I feel the game truly put Rockstar in the spotlight for being one of the big developers of our time.

My only gripe with GTA V's map is the removal of the other cities. But I accept that hardware issues are a big factor with the old consoles, and Rockstar did say before release that they will add new areas. Bring on the next gen versions!

This guy.... Right here. :^:

I could've liked your post if I didn't ran out of likes already.


The people that keep moaning about San Andreas being the best probably never even played the story and just whacked on a load of cheats and messed about for hours. Not everyone but quite a few.

Sorry, but that does not really count as playing the game.

GTA Online didn't ruin GTA. The fans did. They wanted San Andreas 2.0 but Rockstar decided to have a more refined game with structure. GTAV was extremely ambitious, and most people seem to forget that.

Rockstar took a lot of risks with content and coding, in order to prove what they could do. They had to discount some things that fans enjoyed to provide something new and different.

GTA V is a masterpiece, lets not doubt that. Imagine what it will look like on next-generation consoles.

I'm not saying that San Andreas was bad, because I personally loved it. The way gangs were more emphasised was cool. I feel the game truly put Rockstar in the spotlight for being one of the big developers of our time.

My only gripe with GTA V's map is the removal of the other cities. But I accept that hardware issues are a big factor with the old consoles, and Rockstar did say before release that they will add new areas. Bring on the next gen versions!

I completely agree with you. I don't understand the hate towards GTA V + Online. My first GTA game was Vice City and i played almost every GTA since then (except for GTA I & GTA II). I already put in over 100+. Hours in GTA V and i'm still not bored with it. Sure, Heists isn't here yet, but i can wait. People should be grateful that Rockstar is giving us FREE DLCs.


About the Map, yeah it totally sucks that the other cities were removed, but its big enough to go exploring or just driving. Its a technical achievement to do on a seven year old Console.


The people that keep moaning about San Andreas being the best probably never even played the story and just whacked on a load of cheats and messed about for hours. Not everyone but quite a few.

Sorry, but that does not really count as playing the game.

GTA Online didn't ruin GTA. The fans did. They wanted San Andreas 2.0 but Rockstar decided to have a more refined game with structure. GTAV was extremely ambitious, and most people seem to forget that.

Rockstar took a lot of risks with content and coding, in order to prove what they could do. They had to discount some things that fans enjoyed to provide something new and different.

GTA V is a masterpiece, lets not doubt that. Imagine what it will look like on next-generation consoles.

I'm not saying that San Andreas was bad, because I personally loved it. The way gangs were more emphasised was cool. I feel the game truly put Rockstar in the spotlight for being one of the big developers of our time.

My only gripe with GTA V's map is the removal of the other cities. But I accept that hardware issues are a big factor with the old consoles, and Rockstar did say before release that they will add new areas. Bring on the next gen versions!

I completely agree with you. I don't understand the hate towards GTA V + Online. My first GTA game was Vice City and i played almost every GTA since then (except for GTA I & GTA II). I already put in over 100+. Hours in GTA V and i'm still not bored with it. Sure, Heists isn't here yet, but i can wait. People should be grateful that Rockstar is giving us FREE DLCs.


About the Map, yeah it totally sucks that the other cities were removed, but its big enough to go exploring or just driving. Its a technical achievement to do on a seven year old Console.


the fact that the game is totally unbalanced and you get unknown errors, freeze, have people you cant even see cause they arent rendered on your screen yet shoot and kill you, sh*tty matchmaking, every npc car tries to ram you or run you over, police hit you and then you get stars so they shoot and kill you when you did nothing, missions dont pay sh*t and a horn mod for your car costs 50 grand, your mechanic takes your car to the top of a bridge 2 blocks away when you are not even under it, tons of cheaters hiding in the sky and wall glitches, modders using god mode and spawning ferris wheels and astroids in the middle of the roads, sever lobby lag where it takes 10 seconds to get the menu in the store to buy snacks or guns at ammunation, lobbies always splitting players, and billions of other problems dont bother you at all? thats why they hate, sh*ttiest game ive ever played with the most problems to be quite honest, its worse than any beta test and rockstar support is dumb as sh*t and offers no help. I still play a little though as i love gta and there are a few things you can do without to many issues but its a far cry from what it should be and is hugely disappointing.





The people that keep moaning about San Andreas being the best probably never even played the story and just whacked on a load of cheats and messed about for hours. Not everyone but quite a few.

Sorry, but that does not really count as playing the game.

GTA Online didn't ruin GTA. The fans did. They wanted San Andreas 2.0 but Rockstar decided to have a more refined game with structure. GTAV was extremely ambitious, and most people seem to forget that.

Rockstar took a lot of risks with content and coding, in order to prove what they could do. They had to discount some things that fans enjoyed to provide something new and different.

GTA V is a masterpiece, lets not doubt that. Imagine what it will look like on next-generation consoles.

I'm not saying that San Andreas was bad, because I personally loved it. The way gangs were more emphasised was cool. I feel the game truly put Rockstar in the spotlight for being one of the big developers of our time.

My only gripe with GTA V's map is the removal of the other cities. But I accept that hardware issues are a big factor with the old consoles, and Rockstar did say before release that they will add new areas. Bring on the next gen versions!

I completely agree with you. I don't understand the hate towards GTA V + Online. My first GTA game was Vice City and i played almost every GTA since then (except for GTA I & GTA II). I already put in over 100+. Hours in GTA V and i'm still not bored with it. Sure, Heists isn't here yet, but i can wait. People should be grateful that Rockstar is giving us FREE DLCs.


About the Map, yeah it totally sucks that the other cities were removed, but its big enough to go exploring or just driving. Its a technical achievement to do on a seven year old Console.



the fact that the game is totally unbalanced and you get unknown errors, freeze, have people you cant even see cause they arent rendered on your screen yet shoot and kill you, sh*tty matchmaking, every npc car tries to ram you or run you over, police hit you and then you get stars so they shoot and kill you when you did nothing, missions dont pay sh*t and a horn mod for your car costs 50 grand, your mechanic takes your car to the top of a bridge 2 blocks away when you are not even under it, tons of cheaters hiding in the sky and wall glitches, modders using god mode and spawning ferris wheels and astroids in the middle of the roads, sever lobby lag where it takes 10 seconds to get the menu in the store to buy snacks or guns at ammunation, lobbies always splitting players, and billions of other problems dont bother you at all? thats why they hate, sh*ttiest game ive ever played with the most problems to be quite honest, its worse than any beta test and rockstar support is dumb as sh*t and offers no help. I still play a little though as i love gta and there are a few things you can do without to many issues but its a far cry from what it should be and is hugely disappointing.

That has been in, probably, ALL GTA games.

And I don't experience any of what you said.....GTA:SA had much, much worse problem than what 'we' have.

the lag is not consistent and seems to be related to modders f*cking with the session, explosions, to many players in the same spot, and mostly the social club and is not occurring as bad if you play unlinked, it wouldnt be as noticeable to players not participating in PVP combat but you should notice it in stores and when finishing missions if you play in public sessions. you used to get the winner screen immediately after completing the objective, now it takes up to 4-8 seconds or so to show up after youve completed the objective. theres no way you cant notice the mechanic problem and almost every npc car swerving into your lane or pulling out of roads and driveways right in front of you, spawning in the oncoming lane every time you go to pass one in front of you, or the guy in the black sentinal xs with the bumping stereo who runs you over 50% of the time you finish a mission and respawn in free mode? lol

I totally disagree with you OP. You say GTA isn't about money look at the story lines for most GTA games they all had money involved your reward for completing missions in most of the missions is you guessed it money. As for complaining about kids screaming its called a private session, get some friends although I doubt you have many and play by yourselves.


Another thing, Rockstar does not "just care about online" as you put it they have said numerous times that they are going to bring more story based DLC to single player, and of course Rockstar would focus on Online, its the area that requires a dynamic approach or it would be stale.


OP, you really don't have a clue

Edited by Conici

the lag is not consistent and seems to be related to modders f*cking with the session, explosions, to many players in the same spot, and mostly the social club and is not occurring as bad if you play unlinked, it wouldnt be as noticeable to players not participating in PVP combat but you should notice it in stores and when finishing missions if you play in public sessions. you used to get the winner screen immediately after completing the objective, now it takes up to 4-8 seconds or so to show up after youve completed the objective. theres no way you cant notice the mechanic problem and almost every npc car swerving into your lane or pulling out of roads and driveways right in front of you, spawning in the oncoming lane every time you go to pass one in front of you, or the guy in the black sentinal xs with the bumping stereo who runs you over 50% of the time you finish a mission and respawn in free mode? lol

Somebody who hadn't played GTA:SA.....

And no. I don't have any of these problems.

The Sentinel Driver still spawns? Ever since the Hipster update I haven't seen him.




Use your brain bro, game was delayed. game was released unfinished with many things missing, buggy as f*ck. We still dont have heists so clearly the f*cking sh*t ass game was rushed out unfinished, theres no denying it.

You don't even know what rushed means. Stop talking.


apparently you dont, so here you go. maybe you confused since i said it was delayed, but the reason it was delayed is because it wasnt finished. They rushed to try and finish and made many errors. now maybe you understand? lol!


  1. done or completed too hurriedly; hasty.
    "a rushed job"
    • (of a person) short of time; hurrying.
      "I 'm too rushed to do it"




lol there was no hurrying. You don't know what you're talking about. Even games that are worked on at a snails pace can end up having countless bugs and glitches at the time of release, because in-house beta testing cannot encompass every single possible f*cking thing you might experience when unleashing it on thousands of gamers.


It doesn't help that all of these morons are persistently exploiting the game engine in every way imaginable, looking for the loop holes. Hell, we even have people hacking the game and spawning ferris wheels in downtown LS. Don't tell me you don't believe that's not having any sort of effect on the games stability.

When they get around to a full and purchasable DLC, this will almost definitely be an expansion to the single player game.


As for the greed of players and glitching, speak to R*. If they hadn't been greedy themselves and tried to make the game revolve around Shark Cards, there probably wouldn't be as much of a desire (or at least necessity) by players to be rich.


Don't get me wrong, of course R* need an income from somewhere to keep the game going, but too much was changed from the original GTAO experience to accommodate and justify micro-transactions.


I wouldn't play online so much if SP wasnt so sh*t in this game (imo). It lacks replayability, very few activities, somewhat boring and repetitive map, radio is decent but not a patch on SA, story was sh*t and uninteresting. GTASA is by far my fav GTA game, single player was amazing, every mission was different and every mission was fun. The only memorable mission imo from V is the Paleto Score. I'm not saying V is completely sh*t, it's a great game, just didn't live up to the hype/its potential.


I don't know if the GTA Online experience necessarily ruined it. I always have a lot of fun with friends, and it's not like Free Roam is all you can do. There's Races, Deathmatches, etc. On top of that there's ALWAYS a way to retaliate against people who really piss you off, or try to grief you. The only bad thing is that it's buggy and always has game-breaking glitches at the ready to do.

Edited by VintageViro
Unknown Kai


apparently you dont, so here you go. maybe you confused since i said it was delayed, but the reason it was delayed is because it wasnt finished. They rushed to try and finish and made many errors. now maybe you understand? lol!


  1. done or completed too hurriedly; hasty.
    "a rushed job"
    • (of a person) short of time; hurrying.
      "I 'm too rushed to do it"




I agree with you man. To me it seems they rushed the game out so they could double dip on both this and "next gen". If it was delayed any more they would risk effecting their sales when people were trading in their old systems. In many instances and areas there is evidence of unfinished work.


The casino for example is quite possibly the most painful. Also the fact that the racetrack, military base and prison were not implemented in to the singleplayer missions or side missions in any way is even more evidence. You can now no longer access fast food joints, big interesting buildings cannot be entered such as the shopping malls. Rows and rows of arcade machines that cannot be used when even in GTA IV you could play SOME arcade games in bars. No pool in bars, even though it was in IV as well. No property buying apart from businesses because apparently it would break character if characters that were millionaires after completing heists and the game would buy new houses, apartments or mansions. The airport is bland, in GTA IV they put lots of ramps on the run way specifically so you could mess around with them and do stunts and flips, for some reason these are not present in V. I could go on and on, sadly. I still enjoyed the game for what it is but content wise, it missed or left out a lot of stuff which could have made it great




Use your brain bro, game was delayed. game was released unfinished with many things missing, buggy as f*ck. We still dont have heists so clearly the f*cking sh*t ass game was rushed out unfinished, theres no denying it.

You don't even know what rushed means. Stop talking.


apparently you dont, so here you go. maybe you confused since i said it was delayed, but the reason it was delayed is because it wasnt finished. They rushed to try and finish and made many errors. now maybe you understand? lol!


  1. done or completed too hurriedly; hasty.
    "a rushed job"
    • (of a person) short of time; hurrying.
      "I 'm too rushed to do it"




lol there was no hurrying. You don't know what you're talking about. Even games that are worked on at a snails pace can end up having countless bugs and glitches at the time of release, because in-house beta testing cannot encompass every single possible f*cking thing you might experience when unleashing it on thousands of gamers.


It doesn't help that all of these morons are persistently exploiting the game engine in every way imaginable, looking for the loop holes. Hell, we even have people hacking the game and spawning ferris wheels in downtown LS. Don't tell me you don't believe that's not having any sort of effect on the games stability.



oh i know for a fact the modders are killing the stability. every time i get in a session with one of them its so damn slow and nothign works right, i cant believe rockstar cant use something like punkbuster and find and ban those idiots instantly, it appears they cant do anything about it. I cant believe you dont see that it was rushed out, have you played any other gta games? this one is the absolute worst one as far as bugs and lacking content that ive ever played. they signs are everywhere that they were trying to do more but didnt get it finished, or perhaps the ps3 simply cant handle it, the game barely runs in singleplayer and doesnt in online with a lot of people and action going on. Ive played a lot of games in my day, starting when screens were green and only displayed txt. This is by are the most pathetic attempt at a game ive ever seen including the many beta tests ive participated in and gta 5 felt like a beta when it was first released and in fact still kinda does, lol! You cant tell me that rockstar is so dumb that they did this sh*t on purpose and they cant figure out matchmaking which is completely horrible. why does JP exist? its good for nothing, it has no effect, obviously game is rushed and not finished even now, 9 months later, lol! Why the f*ck when i get an invite and i open my phone and select the delete option do i get another invite for the same mission 3 seconds later? Why when i try to join my friend it says gathering game details for 30 seconds and then it starts to load me into their session only to stop another 30 seconds later and say the game is full, they left or are on a job do you wanna spectate? why the f*ck didnt it figure that sh*t out when it was gathering game details and abort the process then instead of wasting more time and then wasting even more time loading me into a completely new session when it could easily just leave me where i was, f*cking tardmos anway, it aint damn rocket science, and the way they have it set up to do things like use atms or the customs shops viewing your internet that leave you unable to see whats going on around you making you blind and vulnerable, easy to kill and is just retarded and anyone whose ever played a multiplayer game for more than 5 minutes can tell how bad it is compared to every other game out there. Would it be so hard to keep the mini map on top of every screen like every other online game? Why cant they make things on the map transparent so they dont block the players dots defeating the whole purpose of the map? why do they introduce completely broken features that have no purpose like the the mental state that has peoples dots changing color so fast you cant tell whos who anymore. why introduce the names on the map above the player that completely covers the whole damn thing so you cant see anyone, its a great idea but implemented poorly, it needs to be transparent. Why do they have spawnpoints so close that you get spawnkilled 50 times in a row before you can even move? things like the stealth system and are clearly incomplete and dont have much use? splash screens that tell you to change clothes to lose the cops but youre unable to access any stores with a wanted level and have no way to change them? why is it so unbalanced with it being ridiculously hard to make money and take a long time and everything in the game cost an insane amount and is constantly stealing money from you? why do players not have each other rendered on their screens at the same time/distance and one guy can see the other a long way before they can be seen making him have a super advantage to easily kill him? Why 9 months later cant they fix crate drops so that if some dumbf*ck is standing in the green circle they will drop anyway instead of staying a green circle on the map forever? How hard can it be? why do they have gang attacks overtop of where they spawn the vehicles you paid millions of dollars for so that it takes 10 minutes to get to them? why do you spawn in the middle of town if you time out loading into a session? why do cars handle differently in free mode vs race mode? its f*cking dumb as hell! why do the contacts continue to call you every damn session even after youve already completed every f*cking mission they give you 800 times? why do convenience stores only stock 4 candy bars when there are 16 players and they can each carry 30 of them? why is there a f*cking car parked in the middle of my driveway every time i leave my garage, or a pedestrian who just always happens to be right where he gets run over every time so i get a wanted level as soon as i drive out? why does every npc and police vehicle attempt to occupy the same space as you and have 100 times more weight being able to easily push your larger vehicle around like its not even there? why are there hundreds of blue and orange circles all over that map that yank you out of the session if you walk into them accidentally which wastes a minute of your time canceling out of and forces you to walk out blind to get shot in the face by someone you cant see and have not time to react to when they could easily make it so you have to press a button if you want to start it? these and a billion other things that havent been fixed yet, its like kindergarten playtime stuff for online games, common sense, how do they f*ck it up so bad? I cant believe they are so dumb as to simply overlook such things, its like they didnt even have a beta test and this is it. This game has huge potential but its so flawed that its sad and rockstar should be embarrassed so badly, random nobodys make better quality games for android phones for free ffs, rockstar should know this stuff and be on top of it but instead they seem to be struggling to try and fix things and creating twice as many problems as they solve. there are just lots of things that should be so simple to fix and lots of things that shouldnt have been an issue in the first place had they thought about it for 5 minutes before implementing it. Its like rockstar is the biggest griefer of all trolling their own customers and it makes no sense, lol! i could go on for days by im sick of typing. granted all games have issues but if you ever played any other game in your life and have any common sense at all you should be able to tell how many more problems there are and how f*cking dumb some of the sh*t they implemented is and either rockstar employs the dumbest motherf*ckers on the planet or they rushed it out before they could finish it, likely to beat the ps4 release to increase sales like someone else said. I dont blame them for that, having spend 5 years making it for the ps3 thats not a release window you can afford to miss, but come on, you can do better!

In some senses OP, you're right. However, the issue isn't so much that Online ruined it so much as the balance between practical expectations such as money packs and gameplay is constantly being teetered against the player in an obvious way. At this point, there's basically three ways to get a serious bank account number: Glitching, Grinding or Shark Card. Grinding takes a more honest and dedicated player so that mostly leaves Glitching or Shark Cards. I don't decry R* as being EA Jr but there's a blatant rubbish logic in place where they keep severely dropping payouts or trying to discourage players from grinding. Why is it bad to discourage the grinders? Because then that leaves either the exploiters and the Shark Card users. In the end, Online is treading a very thin tightrope over a two-sided pit between 'Free to Play, Pay to Win' and poor updating logic. I'm not against the Shark Card but more against Rockstar's unseen but felt presence of 'Oh....that home costs 4,000,000. Too bad, guess you gotta grind, or....you COULD buy a Shark Card!"


Wrong. You can easily. earn enough to buy all but the most expensive items in a few days of play.

First, this is just my honest opinion. Second, f*ck off if you try to say something like "Fag, get a life", "tl;dr" or "GTA online iz da best fuk da rest". Third, my English is not good.


I'm always a big GTA fan. I mean, Grand Theft Auto is the best franchise to me, it was never meant to be a milked game like Call of sh*tty, or Assassin's Greed.

Other sandbox games never make me wanna play them. It has something that makes me a royalty fan to the series.

When i first see the GTA Online trailer, my mind was blown, i thought to myself: "This would be another legendary GTA like GTA SA".

But no. Instead, all we get is the f*cking fans who don't play other GTA beside GTA Online. Hell, they don't even play the Singleplayer, they just bought the game for the Online. 90% GTA Online videos on Youtube are tutorials on how to use glitches to cheat the money, or videos about random sh*ts with kids yelling, laughing and screaming like idiots.

This is "Grand THEFT Auto" right? Not "Grand BUY Auto" for f*ck sake.

The game is about killing ,shooting, and carjacking, not do all the jobs for the money, and then buy apartments.

That's not the worst part. The worst part is: Rockstar only cares about the Online. All the singleplayer gets is the vehicles. Leaving it to dead with the rushed storyline.

GTA is dead to me if Rockstar keeps doing this sh*t.




There are so many ways you could have said what you needed to say without sounding like a complete twat, but i read your post anyways so here goes.

You say in your post title GTA:O ruined GTA but you haven't actually given a reason why in your post. I don't really get what your trying to say. How did GTA:O ruin GTA exactly?

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