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Vehicle mod question


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For each of the vehicle mods, it says you have to win a certain amount of races with a given vehicle type specified to that race. (Motorcycle/super/sports. etc) vehicle type. It is referring to winning races against other players and ending up at first place, correct?

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Yeah you need to win races. I guess you could try doing solo races, so obviously you'll win. Not sure if that'll still unlock them though. And it wont be as fun, but you could definitely try if you're not into competitive races!

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Yeah you need to win races. I guess you could try doing solo races, so obviously you'll win. Not sure if that'll still unlock them though. And it wont be as fun, but you could definitely try if you're not into competitive races!

Was curious, since I always seem to place 4/3, and second in motorcycle races, I never seem to win. In races with slipstream I am easily outdone, and with it turned off, I nearly win. I have no mods on ym current bike, and none for my car. This could be a likely reason why.

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Yeah you need to win races. I guess you could try doing solo races, so obviously you'll win. Not sure if that'll still unlock them though. And it wont be as fun, but you could definitely try if you're not into competitive races!

False. You have to win against at least one other player. There are short cuts though. Stick to Super Cars as they seem to have the ability to count to other categories as well (1 super car win is a win for sports, bikes, et al as well). Another short cut is to invite a friend and share wins. Now short cut is inappropriate here as it gets bloody boring using this method, but it is the most effective and quickest means of sharing 50 wins each (100 races total).

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Yeah you need to win races. I guess you could try doing solo races, so obviously you'll win. Not sure if that'll still unlock them though. And it wont be as fun, but you could definitely try if you're not into competitive races!

False. You have to win against at least one other player. There are short cuts though. Stick to Super Cars as they seem to have the ability to count to other categories as well (1 super car win is a win for sports, bikes, et al as well). Another short cut is to invite a friend and share wins. Now short cut is inappropriate here as it gets bloody boring using this method, but it is the most effective and quickest means of sharing 50 wins each (100 races total).


i thought that was ended in a recent patch

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So Solo races count to the win total or you have to win for each category?

you have to win for each catagory , thats what i heard anyway. i think thats bs

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I'm thinking BS as I've read the 1.11 and no mention of such change. I'm checking the earlier ones now.

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I'm thinking BS as I've read the 1.11 and no mention of such change. I'm checking the earlier ones now.

i think it was the 1.09 or 1.10 . update

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For each of the vehicle mods, it says you have to win a certain amount of races with a given vehicle type specified to that race. (Motorcycle/super/sports. etc) vehicle type. It is referring to winning races against other players and ending up at first place, correct?

As others have said, you need to beat people, which can be tough at this point. If you need help, you can usually go to the groups and meet ups section and ask for help. I've found people there are quite nice and willing to work with you.

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For each of the vehicle mods, it says you have to win a certain amount of races with a given vehicle type specified to that race. (Motorcycle/super/sports. etc) vehicle type. It is referring to winning races against other players and ending up at first place, correct?

Sorry for asking me this but can anyone plz tell me how to ask a question on a new thread???

I know it's not the right thread to ask but i need help.

I am new :)

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For each of the vehicle mods, it says you have to win a certain amount of races with a given vehicle type specified to that race. (Motorcycle/super/sports. etc) vehicle type. It is referring to winning races against other players and ending up at first place, correct?

Sorry for asking me this but can anyone plz tell me how to ask a question on a new thread???

I know it's not the right thread to ask but i need help.

I am new :)


if you want to exchange racing wins let me know , my secondary chracter needs wins

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If you go to the main thread list and at the top right, just above the threads there is a new topic option. click it, use an appropriate title and simply ask what you want to ask. Another forum is to go to the crews and meet ups forum through the gta online heading.


On the updates I've checked the notes for 1.08-1.11 and no mention of having to win the races for each category to unlock the appropriate mods. So as far as I know the super car still unlocks them for all unless evidence comes to the contrary. Where did you find out of any change gtaocicat?

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I'm thinking BS as I've read the 1.11 and no mention of such change. I'm checking the earlier ones now.

i think it was the 1.09 or 1.10 . update false when me and you traded wins by racing with super it was during 1.10 and 50 wins later racing only with supers it unlocked for other categories as well Edited by s1ckmad3
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If you go to the main thread list and at the top right, just above the threads there is a new topic option. click it, use an appropriate title and simply ask what you want to ask. Another forum is to go to the crews and meet ups forum through the gta online heading.


On the updates I've checked the notes for 1.08-1.11 and no mention of having to win the races for each category to unlock the appropriate mods. So as far as I know the super car still unlocks them for all unless evidence comes to the contrary. Where did you find out of any change gtaocicat?

It was stated in another thread here . and my friend s1ckmad3 confirmed it .



I'm thinking BS as I've read the 1.11 and no mention of such change. I'm checking the earlier ones now.

i think it was the 1.09 or 1.10 . update
false when me and you traded wins by racing with super it was during 1.10 and 50 wins later racing only with supers it unlocked for other categories as well


but you told me with new characters that it didnt work that way anymore.

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I have won 50 races, mainly supers but a few sports cars, planes and water races, and I unlocked everything.

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Now Now. No fighting boys ;):) Can I make a suggestion for a few of the win exchanges (if it works). Host a couple of crew challenges (loading is a bugger). The one with the most money hosts first and then the winner of the challenge host the same for the next win earning some extra cash (be warned, you need to be able to complete the challenge otherwise it'll be costly). If I've made a mistake I'll retract this statement.

Edited by Cudwieser
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Now Now. No fighting boys ;):) Can I make a suggestion for a few of the win exchanges (if it works). Host a couple of crew challenges (loading is a bugger). The one with the most money hosts first and then the winner of the challenge host the same for the next win earning some extra cash (be warned, you need to be able to complete the challenge otherwise it'll be costly). If I've made a mistake I'll retract this statement.

if you need to unlock I'm down to help I have all my unlocked but willing to help send me a PM with you gt
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Now Now. No fighting boys ;):) Can I make a suggestion for a few of the win exchanges (if it works). Host a couple of crew challenges (loading is a bugger). The one with the most money hosts first and then the winner of the challenge host the same for the next win earning some extra cash (be warned, you need to be able to complete the challenge otherwise it'll be costly). If I've made a mistake I'll retract this statement.

if you need to unlock I'm down to help I have all my unlocked but willing to help send me a PM with you gt


i cold use help unlocking for my secondary character

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Now Now. No fighting boys ;):) Can I make a suggestion for a few of the win exchanges (if it works). Host a couple of crew challenges (loading is a bugger). The one with the most money hosts first and then the winner of the challenge host the same for the next win earning some extra cash (be warned, you need to be able to complete the challenge otherwise it'll be costly). If I've made a mistake I'll retract this statement.

if you need to unlock I'm down to help I have all my unlocked but willing to help send me a PM with you gt


Thanks, but I'm alright at the minute. Gtaocicat is a good racer who will help. Good luck guys and remember my earlier suggestion, if it helps. :)

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If this is the case, I'll need help with my wins to unlock the mods.

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