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Flappy Bird?


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Anyone know a) how to play the gta race/mission type thingy of flappy bird using planes? and b) the little app or is that just a youtube video that someone's made us to believe in?.

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b) the little app or is that just a youtube video that someone's made us to believe in?.


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Aero Dynamo

WTF is a flappy bird?


An over rated game that was copied and is in short a rip off of Mario. So you can call it a mashup of angry birds and Mario. Games been long banned due to copyright infringement but as it became popular rockstar added it to gta 5. You have to do a round about to play that game though. Its fun but hard.

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WTF is a flappy bird?


An over rated game that was copied and is in short a rip off of Mario. So you can call it a mashup of angry birds and Mario. Games been long banned due to copyright infringement but as it became popular rockstar added it to gta 5. You have to do a round about to play that game though. Its fun but hard.



Added to gta5? I'm lost in this thread.


It's a mission right? Or something, a race?

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Aero Dynamo



WTF is a flappy bird?


An over rated game that was copied and is in short a rip off of Mario. So you can call it a mashup of angry birds and Mario. Games been long banned due to copyright infringement but as it became popular rockstar added it to gta 5. You have to do a round about to play that game though. Its fun but hard.



Added to gta5? I'm lost in this thread.


It's a mission right? Or something, a race?



Edited by Aero Dynamo
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WTF is a flappy bird?


An over rated game that was copied and is in short a rip off of Mario. So you can call it a mashup of angry birds and Mario. Games been long banned due to copyright infringement but as it became popular rockstar added it to gta 5. You have to do a round about to play that game though. Its fun but hard.


It wasn't banned, he took it down as he was getting death threats over it. Cause you know... that's what people are like sadly.

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WTF is a flappy bird?


An over rated game that was copied and is in short a rip off of Mario. So you can call it a mashup of angry birds and Mario. Games been long banned due to copyright infringement but as it became popular rockstar added it to gta 5. You have to do a round about to play that game though. Its fun but hard.



Added to gta5? I'm lost in this thread.


It's a mission right? Or something, a race?





So a load of BS then.


Should have known. :p

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this one too


Lol goes to show the mentality of the mongs that make those You tube shows.... There's like 50 planes, and not only does the idiot partake in a game of "all go for one plane", relentlessly pulling each other out (again ignoring the 50 other planes), but he also decided that 30seconds of that here and there is what people want to see?? You can see those scenes were even cut, god knows how long they were there taking one another out the plane!

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