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Billionaire Days


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Do you miss it?


What was the first thing you bought when you received billions from hackers?


I bought all Pegasus' vehicles. It was the very first thing I did, and had to grind to level 70 to buy the tank (before the internet glitch).

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I missed modding cars for free.


Don't mind what's below...






PS to the asshat mod who deleted my post in that Buffalo thread, you're an asshat.

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Coincidentally enough I got gifted $300 million just before I was going to get online and buy a tank. So I bought a tank which since 1.10 has thankfully been mostly unnecessary

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I miss getting free fully modded cars to sell at LSC from strangers.

I miss fully modding every car I saw and trying to give em to strangers.. (Got just a few takers) :p

First thing I bought was a Dump Truck.. Lol

A few friends and I ordered them up and gathered at the beach and tried to make a convoy.,.....

Edited by Malibu454
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I miss getting free fully modded cars to sell at LSC from strangers.

I miss fully modding every car I saw and trying to give em to strangers.. (Got just a few takers) :p


Me too, ıt was better then randomly killing people...

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I really don't have a problem with cash and I don't feel much sympathy for those that do. I blew a million dollars last week on a whim and as of today I have a million dollars again and I didn't even play most of this weekend as I was out of town.

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I met the dude who have me 1.5 billion due to me duping him my Nemesis...


I'll say, those were the fun days.

Now r* going full Obama.

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First thing I bought was a Dump Truck.. Lol

A few friends and I ordered them up and gathered at the beach and tried to make a convoy.,.....



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I miss getting free fully modded cars to sell at LSC from strangers.


Still happens now. ;)

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never got it, only played private when I heard about it. Never wanted it.


Everyone who misses is; can do this: GTFO!

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aah the billionaire days, modding cars for low levels, the huge battles on the streets, endless 9k bounties and mercenaries all around the map.


when i first received 200millions the first thing bought was THE DUMP TRUCK hahaha what a waste of a million hahaha


in total i was gifted 2.3billions, i shared 800millions to well over 40 players.


i miss the freedom people had on those days...


without doubt billionaire days were the best, the most epic weeks in gtao!

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I miss getting free fully modded cars to sell at LSC from strangers.


Still happens now. ;)


I told you you were super friendly, proof ^ :)

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First thing I did, was report the money I did not earn.

I knew from day 1 they would reset everyone eventually, So spending it meant nothing. it was impossible to tell what I earned and did not earn. I tried to buy as little as possible, which was also impossible when combating cheaters among other names they have coined for themselves.

No, I do not miss "those days" because it was also the same time for god mode, and the breeding grounds for more glitcher and exploiters that you see today. Despite anyones opinion... DNS is pure evidence that the cheater pool vastly outnumbers the legit players, and that the game was and will be broken forever.

Edited by iiGh0STt
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I miss getting free fully modded cars to sell at LSC from strangers.


Still happens now. ;)


I told you you were super friendly, proof ^ :)



I haven't given any away intentionally, but someone happened to be at the LSC where I usually spawn in yesterday, he got the car I brought in before the game had finished loading and sold it. Fair play, made himself a cool 100 odd k :p


Edit: I let him live.

Edited by Insert-Coin-To-Continue
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I didn't use it. I'm a true player, not a cheater.

awesome. great job man.


people have forgotten what fun in a video game means, and at such extreme costs of ruining the game for others.

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...but someone happened to be at the LSC where I usually spawn in yesterday, he got the car I brought in before the game had finished loading and sold it. Fair play, made himself a cool 100 odd k :p


Edit: I let him live.


lol, nice

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I remember getting gifted money before the whole tunable stuff, that was fun lol. When only maybe 2% of GTA Online players had more than a couple million. Had over 2 billion. Then tunables kicked off and I was up to like... 20 billion.

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I kind of miss them because it was hilarious when people came on here and acted like they were "hackers" lol :catloaf:

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I miss them but i'm glad i bought everything including savings bonds. I'm sitting on about the same amount of $ i was before i was gifted billions, $10.5m and am saving it for a mansion and/or more modded cars when we get more garage space.

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Idk, having that much money kinda defeated the point of doing activities to earn money since it plays a vital part online. Sure spending away is fun but after that, then what?.... Being rich is "miserable" I currently have like 140k on my character and I only spend it on ammo/clothing and that's pretty much it. I like it that way :)

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I didn't quite have billions but I did manage to get 20 mil from this race challenge thing.


I only really used it to max out cars and then sell when I was bored of them... then rinse and repeat.

Oh and bought a stunt plane too. Should have spent it all on everything but never got around to it.

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i never bought the full pegasus collection, just so i will always have something to aim at, and they are free to find in freefroam.


i miss the times, but its ok like it is now (since i have a full garage with everything i wanted). some rooftoprumbles from time to time for the cashflow are enough, i dont even bother about the LSC carsell every 48mins.


and Bountyhunting never changed :) it always about the hunt!

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