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I go to my garage to spectate someone on the TV and I get teleported here with what seems like unlimited health.
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I would submit this to R* with your claim. Evidence you have provided prove its a glitch. You're floating in mid air, you can't move, you are stuck looking in one direction, despite aiming in another direction, and you can't be killed. Like you're stuck looking at the TV, but out killing police at the same time. Similar to many of these garage glitches.

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Has this happened before? Has it happened since?

Never happened before and it's still happening now. I'm just picking off police/swat with my sniper.

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OP, there are reports of this occurring when you as a regular player inherit attributes of an ISO modded player. it's rare but it can happen.

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I would submit this to R* with your claim. Evidence you have provided prove its a glitch. You're floating in mid air, you can't move, you are stuck looking in one direction, despite aiming in another direction, and you can't be killed. Like you're stuck looking at the TV, but out killing police at the same time. Similar to many of these garage glitches.

Will do


OP, there are reports of this occurring when you as a regular player inherit attributes of an ISO modded player. it's rare but it can happen.


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