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My disc got scratched.


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Damn you Rockstar, I knew I should've gotten the digital download.


Now I can't play your game without buying ANOTHER GAME...



Deffy NOT having a good tine.

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Try being more responsible smh


SORRY, I was just bringing in my pink chrome Lazer and I knocked my console over.


Not my fault.


I think R* owe me a DDL code.

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Take it to a pawn shop to get it repaired. I repaired a copy of Mario Party 8 someone gave away for free cause it was so scratched up and it works perfectly now. Seriously, cost me 2$ and they did an awesome job. Try to find someone in your town that has a money back guarantee if it doesn't work.

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trade in your GTA 5 at best buy, get a $56 giftcard, pay $4 and buy $60 worth of xbox cards

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Worthy of a topic.


My disc is scratched too. Still works, or it did last time I tried it.

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trade in your GTA 5 at best buy, get a $56 giftcard, pay $4 and buy $60 worth of xbox cards

Wuts a best buy?

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Aero Dynamo

lol did you keep the cd in the tray everyday? If so then yea its bound to get scratched.

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Plan a heist and grab yourself a copy at gamestop during midnight. I suggest going "loud and dumb"

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trade in your GTA 5 at best buy, get a $56 giftcard, pay $4 and buy $60 worth of xbox cards

Wuts a best buy?



I know you are UK, but really? Never heard of it?

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I'm glad I got a 1 year warranty :D



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Unfortunately that means you'll be on here more, criticising others for their sh*tty topics and making your own - fact.

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Unfortunately that means you'll be on here more, criticising others for their sh*tty topics and making your own - fact.

Those claims are unsubstantiated.


Plus I'll be pissing myself laughing if I am on here for much longer, the shops open soon and I'll be able to see if they half any old copies of V.


Old crappy game, should be easy and cheap.

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I had deep round scratches on my disc, my box couldn t read it anymore.


My Tip (if you have nothing to loose):


polish the scratches with teeth-paste! I did it, since then my box have no problems to read the disc

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Buy a shark card, send proof of purchase to R* and they will post you a brand new disc. This is a lie

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I actually forgot I got the protection warranty when I got the game but now remembered thanks to this thread.


Thanks OP I'm gonna go throw my disc at the wall and get a new one for free tomorrow.

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polish the scratches with teeth-paste! I did it, since then my box have no problems to read the disc


Ah the toothpaste remedy.. The days of finding old games but realising they have a heap of scratches on em..

Edited by marco-polo
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I actually forgot I got the protection warranty when I got the game but now remembered thanks to this thread.


Thanks OP I'm gonna go throw my disc at the wall and get a new one for free tomorrow.


M Bison approves of this message.


Also Andy Samberg.

Edited by Insert-Coin-To-Continue
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how to solve


dont go to ganestop

buy cashcards

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how to solve


dont go to ganestop

buy cashcards

What's a ganestop?

Does a Gerald own it?


Oops I say too much, he tell me to keep mouse shut but I no listened.

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So annoying, that happened twice with my RDR disc, luckily it hasn't happened yet with my GTA

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how to solve

dont go to ganestop

buy cashcards

What's a ganestop?

Does a Gerald own it?

Oops I say too much, he tell me to keep mouse shut but I no listened.



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Inb4 tritium.

Fail.D'oh!! ;) Edited by Mr. BROver
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