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How to grief a garage griefer


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So, I just went into my garage and it blew up. Lucky, I was already in passive so it had no effect on me. I saw the guy in the corner ps3 Id: c-i-r-e-m-a-n and decided to f*ck him up. I got into my entity which just happens to be in that corner but what he didn't know is, I was doing the drive in garage glitch as I was getting in. He started shooting the car, but thanks to the rear having no windows, I was safe. I burnt out and turned into him, knocking him over and then I ran him over until he died.


Boo yeah! Chiller 1 - nob rash 0

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cool story, try the pinned story thead where people are willing to share similar ones, and not derail an entirely new thread.

does a glitch to get away from glitchers.... yea, sounds about right.

too much effort to just leave, and play as intended without cheating.

Edited by iiGh0STt
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Why don't you just grief the garage griefer by griefing his garage? (sounds like the potential plot of Inception 2)

Edited by EZza2647
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Or you could stay in passive mode and walk into them, pushimg them toward the center of the garage, making their personal garage load and lose the ability to shoot inside all garages.

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Didn't post in the cool story pinned thread since people need to hear how they can also get back at the griefers lurking in the garage.

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I find it drives them nuts when you go passive and stare at them, or just use an action following them.


Recently I've been getting messages from people calling me a fa**ot for using passive... when they're in my garage...with a gun. :bored:

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So, wait a second, people can just walk into someone else's garage now without permission?

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Didn't post in the cool story pinned thread since people need to hear how they can also get back at the griefers lurking in the garage.

mmmm... no.


you could read my post again. before this thread is locked and or moved.

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I can't help but feel this is an indeed a cool story and not a practical guide to dealing with the garage glitchers. Use the cool story pinned thread :)

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