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What Tips About Crime Have You Learned?


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After playing GTA Online, what information have you learned that could potentially aid in commiting crimes in real life?

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That sadly, the hospital I work at does not have attack helicopters at the ready. What kind of rinky-dink operation is this?

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No matter how heinous your crimes and no matter how many police you kill, hiding in the subway for a couple of minutes will get you off Scot free.

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Even if you are in an intense gunfight all you gotta do is call good ol' lester and they'll cease fire immediately and let you walk away.

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That if you commit a crime out in the wilderness Jesus calls the cops.


Edited by Juanfartez
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If you stand next to NPCs for a couple of seconds, they will call the cops.

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That if you get shot to death, you'll just wake up somewhere else as if it never happened.

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That if you've stolen dozens of vehicles, killed numerous people; driving in a Mod shop will make all your sins go away.

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That if you've stolen dozens of vehicles, killed numerous people; driving in a Mod shop will make all your sins go away.

You didn't know LSC stood for Los Santos Confessional?

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Tabula Rasa

Use a silencer.

Aim for the head.

Hide in tunnels and make frequent cash deposits.

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If you stand next to NPCs for a couple of seconds, they will call the cops.

Loiterers have long been the bane of civilized society, they're doing their civic duty.

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After playing GTA Online, what information have you learned that could potentially aid in commiting crimes in real life?

Are you f*ckin stupid?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Your really asking, on a PUBLIC FORUM, if GTA is helping people be better criminals in real life?!


This thread needs to go away fast before something bad happens.



Goddamn! I swear you idiot kids today need to pull your collective heads out of your asses and THINK!!

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Crunch McThornbody

If you crash into another car so hard that it kills the occupant the police don't care, but if you use a silenced pistol to shoot a lone hiker on a mountain top in the middle of nowhere the police know exactly where you are and are coming for you...

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After playing GTA Online, what information have you learned that could potentially aid in commiting crimes in real life?

Are you f*ckin stupid?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Your really asking, on a PUBLIC FORUM, if GTA is helping people be better criminals in real life?!


This thread needs to go away fast before something bad happens.



Goddamn! I swear you idiot kids today need to pull your collective heads out of your asses and THINK!!



Might I recommend you chill the f*ck out and see the thread for what it is being treated as? You know, clearly a joke.

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After playing GTA Online, what information have you learned that could potentially aid in commiting crimes in real life?

Are you f*ckin stupid?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Your really asking, on a PUBLIC FORUM, if GTA is helping people be better criminals in real life?!

This thread needs to go away fast before something bad happens.

Goddamn! I swear you idiot kids today need to pull your collective heads out of your asses and THINK!!

Your head ain't too bright, isn't it?
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After playing GTA Online, what information have you learned that could potentially aid in commiting crimes in real life?

Are you f*ckin stupid?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Your really asking, on a PUBLIC FORUM, if GTA is helping people be better criminals in real life?!


This thread needs to go away fast before something bad happens.



Goddamn! I swear you idiot kids today need to pull your collective heads out of your asses and THINK!!


Might I recommend you chill the f*ck out and see the thread for what it is being treated as? You know, clearly a joke.

The sad thing is that this generation could EASILY make a serious thread like this.
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I learnt from gta to shoot first,ask questions later.

I learnt From gtaforums to not open useless threads.

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After playing GTA Online, what information have you learned that could potentially aid in commiting crimes in real life?

Are you f*ckin stupid?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Your really asking, on a PUBLIC FORUM, if GTA is helping people be better criminals in real life?!

This thread needs to go away fast before something bad happens.

Goddamn! I swear you idiot kids today need to pull your collective heads out of your asses and THINK!!


Might I recommend you chill the f*ck out and see the thread for what it is being treated as? You know, clearly a joke.

The sad thing is that this generation could EASILY make a serious thread like this.Says the one person who took this thread seriously.
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After playing GTA Online, what information have you learned that could potentially aid in commiting crimes in real life?

Are you f*ckin stupid?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Your really asking, on a PUBLIC FORUM, if GTA is helping people be better criminals in real life?!


This thread needs to go away fast before something bad happens.



Goddamn! I swear you idiot kids today need to pull your collective heads out of your asses and THINK!!


Calm down man. Breathe deep into a bag.


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OK, so clearly, this isn't a thread that's going to encourage crime rates to grow, globally.


That said, going on a public forum and talking about how you could potentially be a better criminal as a result of playing GTA is just dumb. Especially for those of you that are middle class, white and under 18. Stop acting like children.


I despair for our future. Well, yours. Mine's going to be fine, I'm white and middle class and over 18.


Oh, and by the way... locked.

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