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Backup Helicopters

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Do you guys ever use the Merryweather Backup Helicopters?


I honestly have no idea how to really use em but i do know they are a great accest when you are in a mission where you have goons chasing you in SUV or Helicopters.


But have you used them in Free Roam?


If so how did you use em and were they successful in what you wanted them to do?

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I don't know, I've called them and their effectiveness has been questionable... I think they just do what the think they need to.

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Last time I called them, they turned against my friends for no reason.

I wouldn't recommend using them near friendlies.

Yeah i've noticed that too.


Sometimes the Mercs will shoot a friendly if you call them on someone who happens to be near your friend.


He was being spawn killed by this derp so i sent the mercs after him and they ended up targeting my friend instead of the actual target

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I always use one for a solo Rooftop Rumble. Well worth $1000 rather than failing and end up spending another $2000 worth of grenades and ammo.


Step 1: Call MW for a helicopter.

Step 2: Kill the pilot.

Step 3: go fly to RR, get documents, fly to Martin.

Edited by DangerZone77
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I always use one for a solo Rooftop Rumble. Well worth $1000 rather than failing and end up spending another $2000 worth of grenades and ammo.


Step 1: Call MW for a helicopter.

Step 2: Kill the pilot.

Step 3: go fly to RR, get documents, fly to Martin.


You mean a Helicopter Pickup. Not a Backup Helicopter

Edited by Sangers
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I always use one for a solo Rooftop Rumble. Well worth $1000 rather than failing and end up spending another $2000 worth of grenades and ammo.


Step 1: Call MW for a helicopter.

Step 2: Kill the pilot.

Step 3: go fly to RR, get documents, fly to Martin.

Or you could just Pause > Online > Jobs > Host Job > Missions > RR and spawn right there at the mission location. Shoot some guys and one gal, collect documents and drive to Martin's. No money spent, all profit minus a few bullets spent.

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I have used them about 5-6 times and only one of those times have they been actually effective. Two players chasing me for a bounty and the backup chopper killed both of them and allowed me to get away. All the other times I might as well have gone to the Vanilla Unicorn and made it rain for how useful they were.

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i rarely used them, havnt used them in free roam but on missions i have basically when i do a mission an everybody drives into the objective an die and i have to finish it by myself i normally would use it then, gives me less effort to do the objective and bad guys normally focus on it if i let it take the agro first, i have also used it once on a last wave of survival. It is actually helpful when there is a large group of bad guys and you need a distraction i have nfi how to use the airstrike successfully though.


for rooftop rumble iv found it really easy to just drive away in my jester they cant shoot through the windows anyway lol

Edited by o0eVe0o
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I use em on wave 10 in survival. They don't kill many of the bots if any but they serve as a great distraction. The only time i ever effectively used it against a player was while trying to deliver a high priority vehicle. If the other player is even half competent then calling the chopper was just a waste of money.

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I always use one for a solo Rooftop Rumble. Well worth $1000 rather than failing and end up spending another $2000 worth of grenades and ammo.


Step 1: Call MW for a helicopter.

Step 2: Kill the pilot.

Step 3: go fly to RR, get documents, fly to Martin.


You mean a Helicopter Pickup. Not a Backup Helicopter


My mistake. Yes I meant HP. Liked you pointing out my mistake... LOL

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