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Glitching $$$ = Will you get caught?


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In light of the most recent patch there seems to have been a spike in the number of people glitching money by duping & selling cars.


As it's still so widespread, I'm assuming people are not getting banned or warned off by R* over it.


Basically, will this new wave of glitchers be punished or will they be free to glitch themselves into the billions?

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Tali vas Normandy

Depends on how much you abuse it.

If you used it to get a billion you are pretty much begging to get cought.

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They will probably just do another money sweep next update. Duplicating and selling fully modified Adders get get you around $10 million per hour. There's no doubt that someone in the world went hardcore with that glitch.


As for getting banned? Never. I was one of the people who distributed counterfeit cash back in December/January and to this day I have not been placed in the Dunce Pool. :(

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Probably if you overdo it to the billions I wouldn't be surprised if they start another maintenance to clean it up like last time

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In the event someone went through the (unnecessary) hell to get a billion dollars, then yeah, probably.


Otherwise no.

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don't use the god mode,don't glitch too much money,then you should be fine

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Well yes and no if you only glitch a couple million no but i have read on some other threads of people who glitched like multimiioons like 20 million or something were banned but the majority of those won't be banned.


Glitch what you need and a little bit extra but don't over do it

Edited by AiraCobra
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don't use the god mode,don't glitch too much money,then you should be fine

I can just tell ur a pc nerd
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Wasn't there a rumour that R* had implemented a system which flagged accounts with abnormal income/outgoings? Back in patch like 1.07?

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R* supports glitchers now. The only bans that will go out are to the legit people.

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STILL , Still livin like a money glitcha, posted at LSC, sellin adders for mo millys nigga

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Nope, not even a remote chance. I would stock up while these glitches still exist; however incompetent Rockstar are I imagine that they will be patched... One day.

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I feel like Rockstar has a limit on how much glitched money they will allow before they send you to the cheaters pool. Its easy to tell the exact amount you make from selling cars and if that number is in the millions, Rockstar will know you abused some sort of money glitch as it takes a total of 111 Ballers to equal $1,000,000. If you gained $15,000,000 from selling cars, that would be 1666 Ballers. Pretty suspicious...

Edited by Fail_At_GTA
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They will probably just do another money sweep next update. Duplicating and selling fully modified Adders get get you around $10 million per hour. There's no doubt that someone in the world went hardcore with that glitch.


As for getting banned? Never. I was one of the people who distributed counterfeit cash back in December/January and to this day I have not been placed in the Dunce Pool. :(

Thank you for a fun time, then!

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LSC glitchers never got directly punished. although many lost their loot in the wipeout. so i'm going to vote no.


money is relatively pointless to me in the game atm because i can glitch in any car fully upgraded & all my ammo banks are kept in the 9000+ range. now if we had heists were you had to spend money to make money that would be a different story

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Last time they did a sweep they only took money away. If they take assets purchased with glitched money this time, there's gonna be a heap of butthurt

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What if... Rockstar wants glitched money so they can have a reason to wipe everyone's money, even legits. CONSPIRACY! CASH CARDS! :)

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OP pretty much wants to glitch millions of dollars and is asking if he'll get caught.



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In light of the most recent patch there seems to have been a spike in the number of people glitching money by duping & selling cars.


As it's still so widespread, I'm assuming people are not getting banned or warned off by R* over it.


Basically, will this new wave of glitchers be punished or will they be free to glitch themselves into the billions?

No and it's time to quit asking this damn question as if no one has ever asked it on every page of this forum

Depends on how much you abuse it.

If you used it to get a billion you are pretty much begging to get cought.

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In the simplest form no. The game does not calculate the difference if you sold nothing but ballers or you sold modded personal vehicles. If you want to be a loser and glitch yourself moniez who gives a sh*t. Now if you go and screw my game up that is a different subject.

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I don't get what the difference is, there were money glitches every single patch where you could make this amount in very little time.


Do I think they are going to ban people who do it? No. Bad Sport possibly and maybe even a wipe of cash who knows

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These people will never get banned. I glitched $20 million back when the LSC glitch was going on. Nothing ever happened to me. So far I've glitched about $4 million glitching Franklin's Buffalo and selling it every hour. Nothing will happen to us. Hell, Rockstar is REWARDING cheaters with good sport bonuses and by livestreaming with them. This is a video gamee company that truly has no f*cking idea what is going on. RS employees should go work for Kim Jong-un's government.

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The new glitches give 10mil per hour at best, if someone manages to glitch 1bil they need to get a life.


No one has ever been banned for just money glitching, and the fact glitched money was left when hacked money was wiped shows R* don't give two f*cks.


the smart glitch, the goodie goods grind, the stupid buy cash cards.

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I have ten millions and only spend money in ammo, there's nothing left to buy.

No need to glitch anymore.

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