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Another Tank Thread...... Tank Buster


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Too Long To Read: R* should add an A-10 jet that only locks onto tanks and blows them up in one shot



I posted the idea of adding the A-10 Tank Buster plane in the game in another thread and got a lot of thumbs up... I've also seen other people post it... so I figured, why not make it a topic.... since a lot of people are asking if we should get rid of tanks or do something about the tanks.


I want R* to add a Tank Buster (A-10 Thunderbolt? I think is the name of it?) in the game. It would be able to lock onto any tank (and only tanks) and would be a ONE shot kill (tank gets blown up).


They shouldn't allow the A-10 to lock onto ANYTHING ELSE...... not even NPC vehicles/air craft. It's sole purpose is to only destroy the tank.... but nothing else. It could still destroy other stuff but you wouldn't be able to lock onto anything else.


Fighter Jets and Buzzards WOULD be allowed to lock onto the A-10, just like any other air vehicle.


Here is the kicker though. The Tank would also be able to lock onto the A-10. I know, sounds like a bad idea... but, here's the scenario....


Someone in a tank blowing up people, another person gets their A-10, tank blows up... no more tank. Doesn't really seem fair (even though tanks are completely unfair now). The person in the tank should at least get a chance since 99% of the time they probably won't even see the A-10 coming in the first place. But someone in the A-10 shouldn't get countless tries to destroy a tank if they keep missing it. The Tank should be able to defend itself if someone keeps missing it with the A-10...... THIS idea would have to be tested in game because the tank cannon isn't like a missile... you basically fire it and half a second later it blows up.



Also, a little off my suggestion.... I think that if someone's tank gets destroyed, they shouldn't be able to retrieve it again for at least 24 real life minutes (12 hours in-game)



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So just because your idea got a few likes in a different thread you thought it would be a good idea to turn it into its own thread?


What the hell is wrong with you f*ckin kids today? Did you take your dumbf*ck pills this morning? Why do you think we give a sh*t about your want for an A-10 "tank buster plane" (excellent research on the name BTW)? We don't care and none of us work for rockstar so we can't make your idea happen.


Pull your head out of your ass and stop making useless threads.

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Ain't nobody got time for dis bullsh*t. Get outta here foo

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Mr. Crowley

It's like everyone that sucks at the game decided to get on and whine about this sh*t at the same time...


If you bring a knife to a gunfight you are going to get owned 99.9% of the time. Why is this so hard to understand?...

Edited by Mr. Crowley
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It's like everyone that sucks at the game decided to get on and whine about this sh*t at the same time...

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Aero Dynamo

Dude the lazer is already PERFECTLY CAPABLE to blow up a tank in a shot. You just have to fly right and aim right. Hell give me only cannons and I can fire at the tank and blow it up.


Edit: Only noobs need the auto aim "Lock On" Option....

Edited by Aero Dynamo
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I will pwn you newbs

There's probably been at least 20 threads about tanks today. It's really gotten out of hand.

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Dude the lazer is already PERFECTLY CAPABLE to blow up a tank in a shot. You just have to fly right and aim right. Hell give me only cannons and I can fire at the tank and blow it up.

Please don't feed the retards. They will only keep coming back if you do. They are like feral cats, only not as intelligent.
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Aero Dynamo


Dude the lazer is already PERFECTLY CAPABLE to blow up a tank in a shot. You just have to fly right and aim right. Hell give me only cannons and I can fire at the tank and blow it up.

Please don't feed the retards. They will only keep coming back if you do. They are like feral cats, only not as intelligent.



Your right. Noobs don't deserve such attention. But the thing was, He really is asking for another jet when in reality he can try spending more like with the lazer and try improving his shooting skills. They just don't think before typing not even while doing stuff....


Over and Out.

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A-10 Tank Buster? Hm...mpfh...Hahaha!


I'm not going to waste my time here. The Lazer is good enough if you know how to use it. "Blow them up in one shot" ..hilarious.

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It's like everyone that sucks at the game decided to get on and whine about this sh*t at the same time...




I know right?


It's almost as if the general consensus is that tanks are OP and their drivers are typically griefers. Can't imagine why that would be, really!

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Wait wait, so you got a few likes on a different thread, so you made your own thread posting the same idea to get more likes?


Somebody's desperate...

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Misanthrope Z

Wait wait, so you got a few likes on a different thread, so you made your own thread posting the same idea to get more likes?


Somebody's desperate...

coment rat subscrib!!!!!!!

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