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The tank is considerably weaker in SP.


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So R* purposely increased the strength of the tank in MP so griefers could strive.



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So R* purposely increased the strength of the tank in MP so griefers could strive.



I honestly believe this is related to cash cards. And I'm not joking like some people. They are basically selling the ability to become OP. I can't wait until they get nerfed. People who choose to act without honor don't deserve to be rewarded.

Edited by SFBryan18
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This is because there are more cops that spAwn in sp, constantly shooting at the tank and running cars into it

Edited by Rob142sti
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I remember my tank always getting the engine shot out in singleplayer. That should happen in GTA Onlin (but not as easily) to stop tank griefers from feeling invincible.

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Is this The Guy?

Vehicles in general are weaker in sp. Probably when they were all buffed for online play the tank was as well. I know driving around in a tank in sp if you run over a few cars your tank gets destroyed.

Edited by Thisguyherenow
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This is because they're are more cops that spAwn in sp, constantly shooting at the tank and running cars into it



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Vehicles in general are weaker in sp. Probably when they were all buffed for online play the tank was as well. I know driving around in a tank in sp if you run over a few cars your tank gets destroyed.

Yeah, sometimes I'd be making my way downtown in SP when I decide to do a jump and boom, I land on my rear and boom everything goes to sh*t.

Edited by Wrath049
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I've wondered that myself because I beat the story mode and have everything and it isn't easy taking the tank from the airport to the middle of the city. But in online it takes FIVE RPGs to destroy one. My crew and I tested it out and that was with no one in the tank.

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