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New options to make the tank stay without nerfing

Tank / no tank session  

122 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to be able to choose between sessions with or without tanks?

  2. 2. Should tank griefers be marked in pink letters?

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Ok, so some people like the tanks the way they are and most people hate them. We can keep bickering about it, or we can do something where everyone can still keep doing what they like.


The simplest way for that is to just have an option where you can choose to play in sessions where it is allowed to order a tank or choose to play in sessions where you simply cannot order one. Everyone except the pussy tank griefers can continue to play the game exactly how they want to play it.


Another possible option is to show a player's name and dot on the map in hot pink colour when they have gotten more than 1/4 of their player kills with a tank. This will give everyone the chance to simply avoid those players before having to notice that they are dealing with pussies by being blown to pieces, or go after those players if they want to play Grand Order Tank.

The Lonesome Drifter

It needs a huge buff IMO, It outta carry a passenger that can shoot the turret on the top of the cannon, and the cannon shells range best be upgraded by 200% just to be able to hit those chradders from a respectable distance away.

Tank owners should have to pay to play with their tanks.


Meaning: If it gets destroyed by a player, the owner should have to re-purchase it for the $1.5 million.


Players would think twice about pulling them out.

Brock Elvis

If the ideas presented here are added into the game, I will be f*cking pleased.


Tanks do not bother me, it's basically the people controlling it. Nerfing the tank would be a brilliant idea, but your solution works better and will produce next to no whiners.


Ever since GTA 4 came out, I've been wanting an option to turn the Annihilator between armed and unarmed and in TBoGT I wanted the same thing for the Buzzard and the APC removed completely. Now in GTA 5 I still want the option of playing with unarmed vehicles and aircraft. I don't want to have to always switch sessions to avoid jet/tank users all the time. The Buzzard sucks now so I don't really care about it as much.


I don't agree with labelling tank griefers in pink as I spawn kill other tank users if they're already spawn killing someone else. I wouldn't want to be labelled as a tank griefer when I'm only griefing a griefer.

Since about 99.99999% of GTA players know absolutely nothing about tanks, or weapons in general, they would be incredibly pissed by the fact that the Rhino is actually quite wimpy and slow

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Make the price to call Pegasus for the tank at least 50-100k. Maybe?

the original price for a pegasus delivery used to be 2k, the outcry was such that R* was kinda forced to lower the price to the one we have now.


the solution for tanks are simple...


1-make it spawn only at fort zancudo.


2-merryweather airstrike should work like the bounties or mercenaries, one call, select target, done!


Make the price to call Pegasus for the tank at least 50-100k. Maybe?

the original price for a pegasus delivery used to be 2k, the outcry was such that R* was kinda forced to lower the price to the one we have now.


the solution for tanks are simple...


1-make it spawn only at fort zancudo.


2-merryweather airstrike should work like the bounties or mercenaries, one call, select target, done!

Make it spawn at Paleto Bay. :)

Tank owners should have to pay to play with their tanks.


Meaning: If it gets destroyed by a player, the owner should have to re-purchase it for the $1.5 million.


Players would think twice about pulling them out.

You must be new to GTA Online.

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I say we just need more options for destroying tanks. RPGs, grenades, miniguns etc take far too long to kill the tanks. Give us a drone missile for 10k or a purchasable javelin or vehicle mines yes yes vehicle mines mwahahaha!!

i hate tanks, but love to try and fight them from time to time. i would rather they nerf it just a little instead.


no i don't think they should highlight a player that MIGHT be grieving or trolling, how exactly would they know who is and who isn't? i've been in a lobby where one tank would try and kill me everytime it passed, while another player (who was fighting the other guy in a tank) would just drive right by me and honk his horn. gave him a salute every time he passed me honking the rest of the night. too bad the other players on that night couldn't take the time to realize this, but they were too caught up in driving their vehicles into both of them. so unless you were there to see what was going on at the time how would R* know who was being bad or good.


personally i think the buying price is too low and i think they should up the price when you call it in. $200 for every tank? that's just too cheap. also i think the buy price should be 10x what it is.

grand theft spaghetti

tank players already paid to play with their tanks. if you didnt just glitch your money it might take a few days before you finally decide to spend all your hard work on buying a tank. you guys need to level up or just learn how to defend yourselves. what needs to be fixed is the spawn location when a tank kills you and having them pay the insurance.


backwards driving supercars are way more of a problem. i think when their cars get destroyed they should have to pay the full price of the car to drive it again. they would think twice about doing it again.

Edited by ijustcameheretobeeotch

maybe some better anti tank weapons. Like lock on tanks with buzzards and lazers. And if that dont work out they should just remove the tank from the warstock website and replace it with the lazer. anyone who've bought the tank gets a lazer instead so the only way to get a tank is to do it the old fashioned way : steal one from the military

They need to increase the tank's speed, at least as fast as a fully modded Sultan. It should also have a rapid fire option and it also needs more strength as right now you can only run over about 20 cop cars before it blows up. Tank is definitely underpowered and it's sad.

Should also have the ability to use the machine gun on top. And customize the tank - pink chrome with pink dollar sign rims.

A high percentage of tank owners use their tank with one sole purpose - to wreak havoc and to kill anyone in their path, even if that means their path is where other users are. They have unlimited ammo that costs them nothing. I wish I had unlimited ammo that costs me nothing for my weapon of choice. It's been said umpteen times that if tank ammo came with a cost (something like $2,000 per shell) then that would be enough of a nerf. Sure people will now say how they have an exuberant amount of money and they could afford it, but just 10 shots of the cannon would cost $20,000.

But no, it's not gonna happen because tanks swell the R* bank balance in certain ways as has been discussed before. We've just gotta live with tanks.

A high percentage of tank owners use their tank with one sole purpose - to wreak havoc and to kill anyone in their path, even if that means their path is where other users are. They have unlimited ammo that costs them nothing. I wish I had unlimited ammo that costs me nothing for my weapon of choice. It's been said umpteen times that if tank ammo came with a cost (something like $2,000 per shell) then that would be enough of a nerf. Sure people will now say how they have an exuberant amount of money and they could afford it, but just 10 shots of the cannon would cost $20,000.

But no, it's not gonna happen because tanks swell the R* bank balance in certain ways as has been discussed before. We've just gotta live with tanks.

U know u could buy yourself a tank to have unlimited ammo as well

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