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People asking for handouts...


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Anyone get this? People sending you messages begging for money off you? I helped out some Spanish kid some weeks ago from being spawnkilled by some gang, and I get some message I can't read (as it's in Spanish - duh), Check out via Google Translate and he's demanding money off me, cheeky blighter!


Then today: again, I help some other kid out. Accept his friend request, and again, another message asking for cash. Really? Even if I COULD, which I CAN'T (seeing as they removed the ability two patches back) why the hell would I? Play the damn game and stop begging people who help you out for money ffs.



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You should of played the Titanic song through the mic. :lol:



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I never get such messages, only messages from dudes asking if anyone wants a car or something. I do get the friendsrequests from new players from time to time after I help them with something but I don't accept those. Nothing personal, but the friendslist is for friends.

Edited by AWEMYGOD
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I never get such messages, only messages from dudes asking if anyone wants a car or something. I do get the friendsrequests from new players from time to time after I help them with something but I don't accept those. Nothing personal, but the friendslist is for friends.

Yeah I might just start doing this. It's usually the first thing they do before the begging starts...

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You should reply back and ask them to meet you at a chosen rendevous point, ask them to get into your car, then you take them on a drive and take them to where the homeless bums hang out on the game and ask the passenger to get out and tell the person this is where the beggars hang out.

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I helped this kid once play RR and once he saw the payout he wanted to keep doing it but I stopped for the night.


The next day the dude calls me on the online phone (which is weird imo) and demanded me to start up RR, so annoying

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I just tell these types of people the following...."Ahem.....GET A JOB YOU DAMN HIPPIE!"

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I never get such messages, only messages from dudes asking if anyone wants a car or something. I do get the friendsrequests from new players from time to time after I help them with something but I don't accept those. Nothing personal, but the friendslist is for friends.

Yeah I might just start doing this. It's usually the first thing they do before the begging starts...



It'll save you alot of useless messages / invites / stalkers etc. :lol:

Edited by AWEMYGOD
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This one guy asked me for money. I told him that I would give it to him in a more secluded place (not sexual). So I took him in a chopper to the top of Mount Chiliad, I then sent him a message saying: "I hope you don't mind if I shoot it into you." He replied saying "Okay". I then mowed him down with the Tommy and left his broke ass to rot.


He left.

Edited by Deathmaker158
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Handouts? Whoa, did we suddenly go conservative Republican extreme right now?

All them damn disabled folks and such shouldn't get them handouts, they gotta work for it.

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I accidentally blew up a lvl 10's car in a mission and he sent me a msg demanding i give him $50,000.

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Hanshot 420th

I accidentally blew up a lvl 10's car in a mission and he sent me a msg demanding i give him $50,000.

seems reasonable

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I accidentally blew up a lvl 10's car in a mission and he sent me a msg demanding i give him $50,000.

accidentally LOL :lol:

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mmm chocolate

Had one person ask for 500,000$ (which I didnt even have)... And another person asked me to dupe a car for them.



Ignored both.

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Yesterday I was messing with godmode and some rank 7 (I believe) sent a in-game message saying; 'GIVE ME 9 BILLION DOLLARS OR I'LL REPORT U', and then some other sent me a msg @ my PSN account saying; 'give me dns code'... lmao

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I got 14 invites this morning from some random kid, and he sent me messages telling me to do missions with him for money.


I told him I'd help him later and deleted his FR lol.


A few weeks ago I remember a guy sent me a message saying "Yo man... can you gimme like $250,000? I really need some money.."

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i get those all the time, i have no problem helping people out when im not in my spawnkilling mood.


lately what i have been getting is people either asking me to commend them or begging me to put a 2k bounty on them.


im like OK, put bounty on them, atleast they thank me before leaving the server.

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I've never had anyone ask me for mo et. Except my younger sister ... so same as in real life.


I have had the odd 'nice boobs' message, though.


Which was ... odd.

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