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[X360] Secret agent squad roleplay - need villains

Hank Beist

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~**UPDATE**~ games over! will edit this once we have another game going. Thanks!




Hey guys, my friends and I have a Secret Agent/hit men crew and set up a base in an undisclosed location in Los santos.


Need a few players to roleplay as the villains, corrupt billionares, or just normal citizens as we do security details of our base and other random missions.


Message me on XBL with "vil" or "inv" or post here for an invite. My GT is Hank Beist


I will invite you to the game, and you should start to set up a base of your own, and we will randomly come ambush you or vice versa. Just don't be an asshole/be friendly for the most part, and respect no-fire zones if we establish any.


Only real rule is not to spawn camp or kill camp



Edited by Hank Beist
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