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Looking for people to do some short films in GTA:O


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G'day G'day everyone,


I'm looking for a few people to make some short films with, all the shooting will be done inside the game of GTA Online Xbox360 Version, you'll be expected to buy your own clothes as is needed but I can run a few of you through coveted missions at 12-18k each run which should help (you may also be required to own some specific vehicle but it will not be anything high end that costs a fortune).


My time is GMT+10 and It would really best suit the projects if we could meet at this time, however if a few of you are in the same timezones I can log on at those times to meet up with you.


All short films will be put up on my youtube channel (I have to actually make one first)


I'll need a week or more to plan each scene carefully so all I seek now is some names, some timezones and how much your willing to put into the project, please fill out an application like below.


Thank you



Application (Please fill out each section)


Real Name (just the first or middle will be fine):

Age (only so I know who I am dealing with, will not hurt your chances any):


Tell me about yourself in 20 words or more:

Your favourite film:

Edit: Xbox360 version, sorry folks.

Edited by ljnet
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Gt:MnG XxBiRmZxX

Real name:callum


Time zone:GMT

I roleplay all the time so its kinda on the same level thats somthing i enjoy alot i like to think outside alot serious abit to serious at times to be honest a mature player dont go blowing stuff up for no reason


Best film:fast and furious and the expendables

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GT : Catta Fett
Real : Name none of your bees wax "cat" is fine
Age : 37 (i think, mentally about 3 & a half)
Timezone : GMT


about me : happy go lucky but if you work hard enough to piss me off i'll make you wish you where dead (or if you are a clearer thinker that i was dead) raised on monty pythons and the young ones so i have a sense of humor that not only pushes the envelope but bursts out the post office wall


films : how can i pick just one when there's starwars,the matixs or four feathers(1939 but the 2002 wern't bad) or the holy grail or a matter of life and death, the list goes on

i also like to read, from the usual's like Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams to others like Michael Morecock or Harry Harrison but mainly science fiction and fantasy but no non-fiction


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GT: Man of Yuggoth

real name: Trey

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so you have no idea of any story yet? Id love to help but are you going to film it with a caera or what? More info would be very wanted :D
Im GMT +1 so that would make it quite hard for me to help you though...

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sorry I didn't finish:

Time zone: Eastern US

age 23


about: im an avid gamer always looking for people to game with and ive been wanting to make some gta videos for awhile now. im good at working with people and have some pretty cool ideas


Movies: anything with Will Ferrell or john Cleese

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GT: ajsunningdale

Name: lee

Age: 27


I've put my name down for a few similar projects on here, I'm happy to buy clothes and cars to suit. Ignore the pun. Interested to see way ideas you have regards film plot, I'm happy to bounce ideas around with you if your in need of someone for that..(I think I'd be a constructive adviser rather than a leader in this regard) I enjoy missions and many plot aspects of the GTA series and am will to help wherever I can to see good ideas come to life.


Films... Where to start... Scarface, godfather, starwars.. I like all sorts..

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Hanshot 420th


GT: han shot 420th

Age: 31

TZ- Mountain NA


I got cars clothes and money. I mostly play to race and customize cars. Always looking for likeminded people to do races or missions with. Still having fun this game. I work alot, but also get a fair share of time off, so if a schedule is made I'll most likely be able to accomodate ya!


Favorite Movie: This is a tough one. I love sci-fi so something like Aliens or Blade Runner. The Usual Suspects is another favorite of mine and I like most things from Guy Ritchie ( I guess just Lock Stock and the Rock'N'ROLLA )

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Name: Kevin

Age: 36

TZ: Pacific


I love GTA and have loads of fun doing just about anything. I have a male and female character to work with. My work keeps me on an overnight schedule which is pretty early in the morning for you GMTers but I can make changes on days off.


I can't pick just one favorite movie but Pulp Fiction came to mind first.

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OP are you on xbox or ps3.. maybe put that info in ur 1st post

GT: keysers0zeh

Real Name: Kaiser

Age: 33

Timezone: GMT+1 (Amsterdam)

Tell me about yourself in 20 words or more:
My main hobby's are making music (click my sig), fitness, football (soccer for Americans), gaming.. though ive always liked filming and photographing.. i never pursued them.

Your favourite film: Tough one.. as my profile pic would suggest Usual suspects, but its not... though i like that one very much.. ummmmm.. I think it's the 1982 Conan the Barbarian.. most of that movie was quite silent... so the music had to fill the gaps so to say.. which was done beautifully by the late Basil Poledouris (rip).

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Real Name:

Taylor (male)






EST +1


Tell me about yourself in 20 words or more:

I'm enthusiastic guy who loves car meets and would love to take it to the next step by making short films. I love soccer and enjoy role playing. Also I can offer rare cars ranging from a snow car to Trevor's blazer (hot rod).


Your favourite film:

James Bond movies or fast and furious

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GT: Keith McClees (xbox)

Real Name: Keith McClees

Age: 33

Time Zone: Eastern


I'm a father of three who bartends on the weekends. I currently stay at home Mon-Fri with my infant son. My GTA characters love to shop and have bought every item of clothing as it becomes available. My favorite movies are Berry Gordy's "The Last Dragon" and "Battle Royale" But I am a movie fanatic so there are tons of movies I appreciate that are just too different to compare.

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GT: Suhprxe

Name: Shane

Age: 12

Time zone: Central

I like trolling, as I can do a female voice. Don't mind what I do, just as long as we have some fun. I'm up for anything! I role-play for emergency services, I have a group called DOSLS.

Favorite film: Ladder 49

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GT: ajsunningdale

Name: lee

Age: 27


I've put my name down for a few similar projects on here, I'm happy to buy clothes and cars to suit. Ignore the pun. Interested to see way ideas you have regards film plot, I'm happy to bounce ideas around with you if your in need of someone for that..(I think I'd be a constructive adviser rather than a leader in this regard) I enjoy missions and many plot aspects of the GTA series and am will to help wherever I can to see good ideas come to life.


Films... Where to start... Scarface, godfather, starwars.. I like all sorts..


I can vouche for this guy. Always good to have in the room.

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Xbox360, sorry everyone who is not able to be apart of it now after filling out an application.

I've been reading all the applications over and I will get to mailing each and every one of you in the coming week.

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