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Fix for 1.11 Freezing PS3?

Pagan Lowrider

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Pagan Lowrider

I have read online that clearing cache will solve the PS3 freezing issue,but even after researching on Google I canot find a SAFE way to delete the new update and re-installing w/o wiping out my whole game.

Can anyone provide instructions?

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fortunatly it doesnt crash often on me so i have done nothing to try to fix it

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im currently testing this i will edit my post with the results.


so far its downloading every single patch in order


well everything runs good nothing missing so far.

please let us know how it came out...youre a BRAVE human it actually worked just follow the directions on the link i posted
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if you go to the gamesave on the ps3 you can just delete the latest patch without the need of deleting the whole game.

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if you go to the gamesave on the ps3 you can just delete the latest patch without the need of deleting the whole game.

he has to delete the right one and there are 2 if he presses triangle while highlighting on the gta5 file and then info it should say 1.11 at the end of the description if he deletes the wrong one he will delete the whole gta5 story mode save
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have this issue and i'm on almost new* PS3. Have installed only GTA V and Colin Dirt 2 so its not fault of filled HDD or cache or anything that R* says. It fault of patch for 100%. Before install it game runs fine in both - Online and SP. now runs fine only in SP, online have random freezes. I suggest players to not play to Online untill they release new patch beacuse often hard resets will kill your console. Everythin which R* says was tested and not working, dont belive its fault of your console. If game hangs to you in online sesion it happens to everybody from that session and it happens on XBOX's an PS's. I'm mad as other players but remember - its better wait for some weeks for new patch than months for reply from service if your console will die and you will must pay for it. Still not sure that this is not your console? Try to play for SP (Single Player) for 2 hours. If console will hang this can be its fault, if not you can be relax and wait for next update. FOR NOW DONT RUN YOU ONLINE or you will kill your console!

* I writed almost new beacuse its from service, changed for new. I killed my old console beacuse of that sort of bugs (freezes by games and hard resets)

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I have this issue and i'm on almost new* PS3. Have installed only GTA V and Colin Dirt 2 so its not fault of filled HDD or cache or anything that R* says. It fault of patch for 100%. Before install it game runs fine in both - Online and SP. now runs fine only in SP, online have random freezes. I suggest players to not play to Online untill they release new patch beacuse often hard resets will kill your console. Everythin which R* says was tested and not working, dont belive its fault of your console. If game hangs to you in online sesion it happens to everybody from that session and it happens on XBOX's an PS's. I'm mad as other players but remember - its better wait for some weeks for new patch than months for reply from service if your console will die and you will must pay for it. Still not sure that this is not your console? Try to play for SP (Single Player) for 2 hours. If console will hang this can be its fault, if not you can be relax and wait for next update. FOR NOW DONT RUN YOU ONLINE or you will kill your console!

* I writed almost new beacuse its from service, changed for new. I killed my old console beacuse of that sort of bugs (freezes by games and hard resets)

Odd. Whenever I have had my PS3 freeze while online, I just turn it off via the front button on the PS3 and it never needs a hard reset. But, the freezing is rather annoying, and a pain to contend with. All I can hope for is that R* fixes it soon.

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