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Overkill or Justified?


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I was just trying to get to da choppa. He just started taking shots at me, sniping from the docks I think. Fair enough, I reckon. After several attempts to get an angle on him without getting killed all I got was a wanted level.

He continued to pester me as I ran from the cops. finally lose em, he pops random shots, I get to da choppa, go off radar, get to da tank and a crate drops. no ones there. it was a small lobby. no ones even going that way. when I finally get close in the tank, he slides in, goes off radar and grabs it.


Again, fair enough; outplayed. However you've been pushing me for quite a while, that seemed out of spite, and its time to die. I killed him 12 or 13 times to his 1 on me. not all with the tank because of police intervention. a few were on foot and a few had to be earned. I feel he asked for it.


What's your story?

Overkill or justified?

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Why, just why?

I could share 100's of stories like the one you told, but I don't. They're not interesting.

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Boredom man. intense boredom. also having seen similar posts. my sincere apologies.

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Boredom man. intense boredom. also having seen similar posts. my sincere apologies.

Hey, if I came across too aggresive I'm sorry. Anyway, I'm pretty sure there are many threads like this one in which you can share your story.
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