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Savegame 100% shuts down the game?


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Whenever i try to play a save game (100% one) The game shuts down and says: ''gta_sa.exe has stop working'' but i can start a new game.... It's already version v1 now what is the problem!??

EDIT: I can only play from MY own save game.... but no other downloaded

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If you can play your own save game then the downloaded save version is different

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You say it is already v1? Does that mean you have a v2 DVD or v3 Legit Download?

If you that is your problem.

The Downgrader removes the programming that blocks modding. It Doesn't make your game a v1.

You must match the version of the save to the version of your games .exe.

If you have the v2 or v3 then you must use a save made on a v2 game.

If you do have a version1 then you must get a save for a version 1 game.


However there is a way to keep 'scripts' for both and make manual changes to match the save version.

Check out the "Chain Game" preamble for instructions.

Version scripts versions

https://rapidshare.com/#!download|0|4168935922|V2_Script.zip|0|0|0|File not found. (e029a7af) Version 2 scripts at Rapid Share.

https://app.box.com/s/216745a57eb10cb423f6 for version 1

https://app.box.com/s/216e81fa6d4dd288c13b for version 2.

Edited by lil weasel
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