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[XBOX]Vehicle Request/Duping


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This is a continuation of this thread







No Spam

No Advertising

No Flaming

No Tow Trucks (Not even pics)


Keep this on topic or this will be locked or members will be subject to further punishment ranging from Warnings and up to Temporary Bans.




Request list:


Want: (List of Cars)

GT: (Your Gamertag) or PM for it.

Mods: IE: Primary colour/secondary, pearlescent, horn, wheels, BPT, tyre smoke, FM, armour, windows, etc







Behave in this thread, this means no arguing, no going off topic, no spamming.. you know the drill. Any unwanted posts or any type of derailment will cause your post to be removed without warning or possible lock of this thread until situations calm down. Let's keep it mature.. make this your one stop shop to find friends, help each other and keep the community at peace.



We all know it's easy to quote someone with a quick reply. That's fine, but if the said poster posted a substantial amount of pictures, please don't quote with the images.. remove the images. It's an easy process, don't be lazy. If quotes are too long or quotes begin pyramiding, they can and will be removed without warning. So help everyone out by limiting the amount of unwanted quotes and scrolling.. this removes other members requests from being buried. Give everyone a chance to get the car they need or want.



This mainly refers to people promoting their cars through their signatures. That's an awesome thing.. more power to you. But please do so moderately. Don't have a signature that is just entirely too large.. must fit within forum guidelines of 500x150. Also, no tow trucks are allowed to be displayed in your signature. This is against forum rules and any signatures displaying tow trucks or over forum restrictions will be disabled immediately.




These threads are here because you've demanded them. So work together, report any infractions, make sure the threads stay clean and help the staff. If these threads stray too far off subject for any period of time, Staff can and will close these permanently. So again, work together.


For the fourth time, stay on topic or lose the privilege of having this open.


Related Links:


GTA V Save Editor


Horizon Download


Fox2Quick's Vehicle Style Database


7sins Vehicle Style Database


RGB Colors


Crayon Colors


SP cars in MP



~Go Online.(Must be an Open Lobby, not "Invite Only")

1. Make sure your spawn setting is set to 'last location'.


2. Go to the LSC parking lot(anywhere works but this is easy to do).


3. Go to the game store and wait for it to load.(make sure the yellow/gold circle has started and finished otherwise exit the store and choose the game store again it should finish this time.)


4. Press PS button and sign out,(or disconnect Ethernet), press x(a) and let single player load.


5. Drive the desired car to the same LSC parking lot and park where you had been in Online.


6. Sign into PSN(xboxlive) and wait @5sec once signed in.


7. Go to Online>Go. You should appear in online very near LSC, go to the LSC parking lot.(or wherever you left in Online.) The vehicle from SP should now be in the LSC parking lot exactly where in was in SP.


Enjoy your NEW SP VEHICLE.



Follow the steps up but replace LS customs with either Michael's, Franklin's, or Trevor's property, then, do whatever you need to do to save that as your last location and make sure you have no personal vehicles out. Also works for Bicycles and ATVs(any non-lsc vehicle, Jets and Blimps, too.)





Capital Vee's method for storing high end vehicles



1. sit in car pull out phone


2. go to quick job click join race


3. when it says "are you sure ?" Tap A and R2 at same time


4. you should hear the garage door open it will send you to a mission with randoms back out ASAP


5. you should come back to the session in your garage turn around 180 degrees and run to the super car ASAP


6. get in the super car and you will be shown driving out of your garage in it if done successfully


7. reverse car back into garage to ensure it has a tracker making it your p.v and not too hot to modify



Edited by Tritium
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Want - Alien Car

any color or anything idm

Can't tell if trolling or stoopid.

Edited by koolaidandkfc666
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Want - Alien Car

any color or anything idm

The space docker was removed in 1.08 I believe.

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Want - Alien Car

any color or anything idm

The space docker was removed in 1.08 I believe.


o rlly.

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Want - Alien Car

any color or anything idm


The space docker was removed in 1.08 I believe.


o rlly.

Yes, unfortunately, I liked it too.

But typical R* have to take out the fun.


But that's why we have duping threads like these, for fun.

Edited by Tritium
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whats that new van called?

i see alot of people have it

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anybody taking requests? my friend fell asleep on me in the middle of making it

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I didn't even realize Tritium duped cars, but there is a need for this topic. It's cool there's a duping crew, but that's something for the Gangs section. This is not for car meets and handling requests via PM is not a good idea. That was a major reason the last thread was locked. There is no transparency to that, and a claim of a few members (it wasn't any one person) that requests are being ignored could not be confirmed or denied.

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Guys I can't use the vehicle share feature in hazards editor because when it asks me to login all I can see is remember me and username not register?

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anybody taking requests? my friend fell asleep on me in the middle of making it

lol anyways i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to edit the hight of the vehicles like these ones? that would be great. Or even better if someone could make one for me for sp as im sure they would not work for mp




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anybody taking requests? my friend fell asleep on me in the middle of making it

lol anyways i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to edit the hight of the vehicles like these ones? that would be great. Or even better if someone could make one for me for sp as im sure they would not work for mp





Iso mods.


hugee thanks to BV

Edited by koolaidandkfc666
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whats that new van called?

i see alot of people have it


Rumpo (Deludamol and weasel vans) and the Speedo were the ones added back. Paradise, Minivan, Surfer, and Youga are also sortable.


Might be the speedo, tho, since it's been recently added back and it has the most customizations in the editor.


Also @ everyone.

Haven't been to busy lately so if anyone needs anything, hit me up.

I'll be on at around 12PM, EST. I take requests and dupe. Contact info is in my sig.

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thread locked/unpinned/restarted for the 3rd time now?




anyhoo, did anyone ever get a Vestra in their garage, there were rumblings about it on the previous thread, thought that might be something fun to do today.

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thread locked/unpinned/restarted for the 3rd time now?




anyhoo, did anyone ever get a Vestra in their garage, there were rumblings about it on the previous thread, thought that might be something fun to do today.


I would help you out with that but I haven't tried it myself and I doubt most of the regulars are gonna be checking this thread now, most likely this is dead.

I'm down to help if you wanna attempt it later, I'm just not at home atm.

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anyhoo, did anyone ever get a Vestra in their garage, there were rumblings about it on the previous thread, thought that might be something fun to do today.

Don't even attempt it, wasted my alpha for that, guess its black listed.

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thread locked/unpinned/restarted for the 3rd time now?




anyhoo, did anyone ever get a Vestra in their garage, there were rumblings about it on the previous thread, thought that might be something fun to do today.


I would help you out with that but I haven't tried it myself and I doubt most of the regulars are gonna be checking this thread now, most likely this is dead.

I'm down to help if you wanna attempt it later, I'm just not at home atm.



Rumblings? Elaborate..

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Got: Franklin's buffalo

Want: Hotknife / Space Docker

GT: erbizz


PM me 4 a trade!


no more of those, unless someone has CE.

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rumblings = discussion.


cool thx wanes, I wasn't too worried about getting one in, just figured I'd ask since it was buried amongst all the thread drama.


guess ill just work on Matte Epsilon Blue today.


also, to the two randoms that keep msging me on Xbox live, yes I know how to import/store high end cars. but sending me a message on XBL after lurking on the thread is not gunna get you any help. not gunna name&shame but now you know.

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thread locked/unpinned/restarted for the 3rd time now?




anyhoo, did anyone ever get a Vestra in their garage, there were rumblings about it on the previous thread, thought that might be something fun to do today.


I would help you out with that but I haven't tried it myself and I doubt most of the regulars are gonna be checking this thread now, most likely this is dead.

I'm down to help if you wanna attempt it later, I'm just not at home atm.


Rumblings? Elaborate..

PM'd you

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Big thanks to Crappyusername and Revrun for the tips with the save editor, all sorted now.

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rumblings = discussion.


cool thx wanes, I wasn't too worried about getting one in, just figured I'd ask since it was buried amongst all the thread drama.


guess ill just work on Matte Epsilon Blue today.


also, to the two randoms that keep msging me on Xbox live, yes I know how to import/store high end cars. but sending me a message on XBL after lurking on the thread is not gunna get you any help. not gunna name&shame but now you know.

I have been trying to get a matte epsilon based off the RGB you gave me a few days ago and it's coming out really light blue so I tried taking the RGB they had for epsilon in the save editor and inputting it as a custom color in a matte paint job and it still doesn't look right. You'll have to let me know your progress because I am interested to see how the master ends up doing it. Haha
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yea same here, I tried to darken it a bit but just made it more pale and greyish. I'm gunna do some eye dropper science with some Snapmatic pics later and see if I can get something close.

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Guys dont derail this one, or else were gonna have to get some PS3 users to report (my inner BloodClaw)

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