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Police AI Update?


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Is it just me, or are police now tougher to lose? I'm not sure if it was this update or the last, but for about a week I've noticed it's harder to elude the cops. More specifically, if you've got a 2 or 3 wanted level, they are on you like flies on crap- where as before they were fairly easy to ditch by taking an alley or two...


I like it, I think it was too easy to get away. I've always thought a hardcore mode for police AI would be awesome. Tougher traffic laws, harder to lose, etc.


Feels like maybe they've dialed it a bit more. Cops follow you much closer, and even into carparks and multiple alleys now. I like it! (even if I'm imagining.. lol)

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Misanthrope Z

it's about the same to me...

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Deadly Aviator

It's the same as always in my experience, but note that in multiplayer only a certain amount of cops spawn for one person, so if you are near other people with a wanted level you might have 2-3x the amount of cops in the area searching (and spawning next to you -.-)

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Whatever it is - easier or more difficult, the Wanted level system needs a vast upgrade...

If I create a public disturbance in Richman, why are police spawning up at Mount Chilliad? Same with the police helicopters - particularly when in the air - continually spawning in front of you most of the time.

Also, try getting the Cargobob away from the police choppers once their on your tail. No easy task at all.

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Misanthrope Z

Whatever it is - easier or more difficult, the Wanted level system needs a vast upgrade...


If I create a public disturbance in Richman, why are police spawning up at Mount Chilliad? Same with the police helicopters - particularly when in the air - continually spawning in front of you most of the time.


Also, try getting the Cargobob away from the police choppers once their on your tail. No easy task at all.

try clearing yourself of police with a 3-4 star wanted level


after about a minute, they'll all spawn around you from all directions

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That's what I'm sayin, seems like it's WAY harder to clear higher wanted levels. If you have 3 stars or above you just about have to make a run for the Chiliad tunnel or the LS sewers depending on where you are.


I did just take a break to replay The Last of Us with the new DLC and then came back to GTA, so it might just be that I haven't played in a month... But I've played the dang thing every day since it came out. That's why I'm getting so impatient for new content... But that's also my issue not Rockstar's... I'm not here to whine. I'm grateful for every gorgeous second of San Andreas... Even if it's just driving with the top down through a red sunset while the radio plays the same damn songs over and over. How about some new tunes? New commercials? New TV? Doesn't have to be massive updates every week... Just small stuff here and there to keep thing interesting and new. :beerhat:

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Hell yeah they were up graded before 1.10 you can enter the tunnels via the hole on the wall on the freeway and they wouldn't get in now it's like they now they're way around there unless you haul ass half way thru

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Hell yeah they were up graded before 1.10 you can enter the tunnels via the hole on the wall on the freeway and they wouldn't get in now it's like they now they're way around there unless you haul ass half way thru

i still lose them easily near the entrances to the tunnels , just make sure you dont have a cop right on your ass .

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Hell yeah they were up graded before 1.10 you can enter the tunnels via the hole on the wall on the freeway and they wouldn't get in now it's like they now they're way around there unless you haul ass half way thru

i still lose them easily near the entrances to the tunnels , just make sure you dont have a cop right on your ass . trust me i will be the only one on the freeway and seconds later they find themselves in
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Hell yeah they were up graded before 1.10 you can enter the tunnels via the hole on the wall on the freeway and they wouldn't get in now it's like they now they're way around there unless you haul ass half way thru

i still lose them easily near the entrances to the tunnels , just make sure you dont have a cop right on your ass .
trust me i will be the only one on the freeway and seconds later they find themselves in


that hasnt happened to me . the closest that has happened to me is when a cop car would go flying through the entrance by the expressway and his the floor below , but he wouldnt move from there so i still lost them easily. they arent terribly hard to lose even without the tunnels

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As has been mentioned about 40023983948127 times on these forums, doesn't make it any less true, all I hate about cops is you can't push someone over in the middle of a desert, miles away from witnesses without getting a wanted level, it should be like RDR where witnesses have to report it for you to be wanted, and you see them on the mini map, if they fixed this they'd be fine, I don't think they're too hard

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As has been mentioned about 40023983948127 times on these forums, doesn't make it any less true, all I hate about cops is you can't push someone over in the middle of a desert, miles away from witnesses without getting a wanted level, it should be like RDR where witnesses have to report it for you to be wanted, and you see them on the mini map, if they fixed this they'd be fine, I don't think they're too hard

fair point, but in RDR nobody had cell phones. GTA they all do. You could argue nobody has to go anywhere to report as they just call cops where they stand. Ive seen people taken photos of me beating someone up (lol) so its possible that is what happens

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The difficulty off the police depends on where you are . Unless you have a vehicle that can go up mount chiliad or gordo relatively fast than you would be out of luck with a 3+ star level in blaine county since a helicopter can spot you easily .

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  • 2 weeks later...


As has been mentioned about 40023983948127 times on these forums, doesn't make it any less true, all I hate about cops is you can't push someone over in the middle of a desert, miles away from witnesses without getting a wanted level, it should be like RDR where witnesses have to report it for you to be wanted, and you see them on the mini map, if they fixed this they'd be fine, I don't think they're too hard

fair point, but in RDR nobody had cell phones. GTA they all do. You could argue nobody has to go anywhere to report as they just call cops where they stand. Ive seen people taken photos of me beating someone up (lol) so its possible that is what happens



Did you actually read the post properly?


If you're in the middle of the desert, "miles away from witnesses", who's going to report you - cell phones or not? The system is quite simply, a farce.

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The entire AI in the game is an Epic fail for R*! The NPC driving AI is terrible, U turns everywhere, lefts from the right lane, head on crashes, etc... absolutely terrible programming!


The police with that stupid warp speed turbo boost and the ability to see everything. I set off a sticky from 400 ft below the surface in a sub and got 3 stars!!

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As has been mentioned about 40023983948127 times on these forums, doesn't make it any less true, all I hate about cops is you can't push someone over in the middle of a desert, miles away from witnesses without getting a wanted level, it should be like RDR where witnesses have to report it for you to be wanted, and you see them on the mini map, if they fixed this they'd be fine, I don't think they're too hard

fair point, but in RDR nobody had cell phones. GTA they all do. You could argue nobody has to go anywhere to report as they just call cops where they stand. Ive seen people taken photos of me beating someone up (lol) so its possible that is what happens



Did you actually read the post properly?


If you're in the middle of the desert, "miles away from witnesses", who's going to report you - cell phones or not? The system is quite simply, a farce.


dont play the game then, sick of people moaning on this forum about every little thing.

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As has been mentioned about 40023983948127 times on these forums, doesn't make it any less true, all I hate about cops is you can't push someone over in the middle of a desert, miles away from witnesses without getting a wanted level, it should be like RDR where witnesses have to report it for you to be wanted, and you see them on the mini map, if they fixed this they'd be fine, I don't think they're too hard

fair point, but in RDR nobody had cell phones. GTA they all do. You could argue nobody has to go anywhere to report as they just call cops where they stand. Ive seen people taken photos of me beating someone up (lol) so its possible that is what happens



Did you actually read the post properly?


If you're in the middle of the desert, "miles away from witnesses", who's going to report you - cell phones or not? The system is quite simply, a farce.


dont play the game then, sick of people moaning on this forum about every little thing.


Don't read the F*ckin Forum!!

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I haven't noticed anything. Sometimes it seems like they are more apt to catch you, and sometimes it seems like you drive around a block and they are gone. I think it's just the programming and the lag and if other people are around. I personally almost never get killed by cops unless i'm engaged with another player in combat and need to pay attention to them and auto aim selects a cop and shoots them. That i hate.

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It's been comfirmed that in the next update Rockstar is refining and toning down the police star system. Too many users have complained of ruined gameplay moments via rediculous cops. Sorry to anyone who likes the system now or wants it even more difficult. It's apparently not going to happen.

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I hate the cops so much in GTA 5, its like everytime i rob a car or hit someone in the game anywhere on the map i get an immediate one star wanted level which goes quickly enough to two star and so on, they shouldn't appear or see every single crime that just takes away from the fun.

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The Online Gamer

I hate the cops so much in GTA 5, its like everytime i rob a car or hit someone in the game anywhere on the map i get an immediate one star wanted level which goes quickly enough to two star and so on, they shouldn't appear or see every single crime that just takes away from the fun.

What about the cops in GTA online?
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It's been comfirmed that in the next update Rockstar is refining and toning down the police star system. Too many users have complained of ruined gameplay moments via rediculous cops. Sorry to anyone who likes the system now or wants it even more difficult. It's apparently not going to happen.


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It's been comfirmed that in the next update Rockstar is refining and toning down the police star system. Too many users have complained of ruined gameplay moments via rediculous cops. Sorry to anyone who likes the system now or wants it even more difficult. It's apparently not going to happen.

Confirmed where? Show your source?

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dont play the game then, sick of people moaning on this forum about every little thing.


Yeah because one, two, or a hundred issues with a game is an immediate and inarguable reason not to play said game...


That makes no sense. The system is flawed. RS should fix. Simple as that. Not "don't play the game" - I spent "hard earned" money on this game through grafting at minimum wage, the very least RS can do is listen to it's customers. Remember that term, "the customer is always right"?

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Am I the only one that uses railroad tracks to avoid cops? I think I picked that up from watching someone else. Seems to work well online or in SP mode. Just get on the tracks and go. Cop cars will not chase you down the tracks and eventually choppers lose sight of you as you go through tunnels and underpasses.

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16 psychopaths running around the city killing everyone and stealing every car in site while being armed with automatic weapons, rocket propelled grenades, c4, the occasional mini gun and every once in awhile a tank or an attack chopper....the cops should be tougher, as much as i hate shooting them while aiming at another player....They are relatively easy, and aren't generally armed with the weapons we are capable of having.

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16 psychopaths running around the city killing everyone and stealing every car in site while being armed with automatic weapons, rocket propelled grenades, c4, the occasional mini gun and every once in awhile a tank or an attack chopper....the cops should be tougher, as much as i hate shooting them while aiming at another player....They are relatively easy, and aren't generally armed with the weapons we are capable of having.

you can go to free aim lobbies to avoid shooting cops in accident
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