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Best airplane for an air race beginner?


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Lately, air races seem to come up fairly often for me whenever I choose to join a quick race. However, I'm not so good at them. Which airplane is best for an air race beginner?

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The Mallard. It's fast, easy to handle, and it's easier to land with.

For choppers, it's the Buzzard.


I suggest taking flight school courses in SP to get yourself accustomed to the flying controls in the game.
(HINT : Do the flight school courses as Michael. It'll help you in future missions in SP, assuming you haven't finished the game)

Edited by Alhalish
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I would say the Vestra, but you say beginner as if you don't own one, so I'll work off of that.


8 races out of 10, i'd recommend the Luxor. Most air races don't require drastic maneuvering to warrant the Mallard. SO the high speed of the Luxor comes out on top. Just get to practicing hard turns (Yaw and Pitch at the same time) and you'll get it.


the other 2 races are tight, in close proximity to city buildings or otherwise. Maneuverability is key. Choose the Mallard. Hard turns aren't usually important with the Mallard as it can turn on a dime.


The key is to look at the map before the race begins.

Edited by AscendantWyvern
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