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Empty Lobbies - It's Happening!...? Again?


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I think this might be happening again... Or my internet is acting up. Every free roam session I've joined in the last hour or so has been having less than 4 people, and every single race and deathmatch I join is empty. This is some scary sh*t, man. I tried restarting online with no luck, and I'll be trying other things too, but has anyone else been getting empty lobbies?


Edit; how could I forget?



Edited by rawrsnar
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Pagan Lowrider

yeah the latest update has created many connectivity issues....empty lobbies,timing out,console freezing( both temporary and full reboot)...its made playing quite frustrating

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it's f*cking annoying

if I ever rage quit it's because of the time spent going from lobby to lobby trying to find one with more than 1/2 doz people in it!

Edited by revbouncer
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Yes happened to me the other day. I just kept joining a new session over and over until


I got in a full session. Took about 20 mins it was ridiculous.

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Those 'one or two' people are actually cashcard bots who have taken of GTA: O.

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You on the 'station? If i use my xbox, they're always full - PS3...empty.


GTAV on PS3 doesn't like me i don't think.

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Get used to it,spend more time in invite only.Learn to survive,ALONE.

Get used to it,spend more time in invite only.Learn to survive,ALONE.

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On Xbox I keep getting 4 people lobbies also. And I also keep disconnecting because apparently the host of the session is the Terminator and keeps on terminating my connection :angry:

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Mr. Crowley

Ps3 lobbies are always full for me.


Don't know about xbox lobbies. The only game I play on it is Alan Wake....it collects more dust than my Wii...

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For the first time last night, I was online all night without being knocked offline by a network error or being signed out of xbox live. Yes sometimes when I joined free roam after a mission there were only about 4 people but that number steadily increased. My internet connection is normally a POS wet bit of string (3G) but last night it was perfect.

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For me it's always empty even before the patch, usually after about thirty minutes or so in free roam I get 5-10 people if I'm lucky

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I always seem to join servers with about 8 lower level people, and after about half an hour of play there are 4 left. Then after an hour I am alone.

But strangely enough, people join stealthily without the game telling that someone joined the game.

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Yup, most certainly. And its only been the past few days this has been happening. Its really annoying, was hoping to be in a packed game, especially over the event weekend.


What kind of stupid session balancing is this?

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I haven't played in an open free roam since R* stole my gifted billions. I have zero interest in going back to grinding for cash. I only play with a few friends that have fairly busy lives and couldn't play much (they are still in the low 30s level wise) and only in invite only. And with Tuesdays release of Titanfall (and after that Watchdogs in May) I anticipate it will be a long time before I'll be back to GTAO, if at all. The only thing that I even remotely look forward to is the casino opening.


Don't get me wrong, this is an amazing world R* created. Then they sh*t all over it with the whole half assed MMO/RPG gameplay they frankensteined onto it. The boring missions, the horrible races, the non-existent "economy". I was on the verge of quitting when I was gifted a boatload of money. That money made free roam fun for the first time. It made free roam free. Free from grinding. Free from stress. Now we are back to that grind, where fun=hemorrhaging money. Plus the obvious manipulations to promote the sale of cash cards.


I got this game expecting GTA4/RDR multiplayer only with customization (character, cars, and clothing). I didn't sign up for a full time job.

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I keep getting empty lobbies and deathmatches as well, it's so annoying.

It never used to happen, only recently.


Unlinking your Social Club account tends to fix it, but then you don't have a crew.

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Lord of the Flies

Empty or nearly empty lobbies are getting on my tits too. Can take up to ten attempts to find a decent lobby. I'm on PS3.

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I start Playlists and get lucky enough to get the 8 or so people to fill it up, the lobby looks fine, the countdown starts for the race... room is empty.

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Just spent the better part of the last hour just trying to play free roam with a friend.


It froze 8 times within this last 45 to 50 minutes. Come. The. f*ck. On.

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idk, I was having problems where online would freeze for me after 10 minutes or so. It stopped a day ago

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It's your connection. Time to log into your router, tinker around and try to get a Moderate or a Open NAT type.

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Probably your internet. I'm still getting full games.

so it's just a coincidence that all these people (including myself) are having the same "internet problems" right after downloading the latest patch? :facedesk:


i haven't had freezing issues but, i did spend 20 min. looking for a full session before giving up. i could not find one over 6 players. :angry:


i going back to tamriel until this gets sorted out. :wtf:

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