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When do you think DYOM Will die?

KD himan

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Okey everyone. i know that there is already a topic named same with it, but as you all know, new members are coming to DYOM in 2014. so i just want you to put your ideas about when you think DYOM will Die ( or how long it will stay ). according to me, DYOM may be live till 2016. ''maybe''

Post your Estimates down-

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I'm not sure if this is something I would endorse discussion with..It is almost asking for it to die..lol

I honestly do not know.. You have to ask yourself when do you think people will stop caring about GTA San Andreas altogether. As long as there is some activity around GTA San Andreas, I think the activity for DYOM will continue.

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It will die when all the members we have now will stop coming here. Probably about 10 years from now.

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It will die when all the members we have now will stop coming here. Probably about 10 years from now.


Yup... but I think in less time. Well, it's a good theme for discussion but... I think the answer is more than obvious, DYOM will disappear only when GTA San Andreas stop having mods, and activity and lots of things that the game includes itself; also the most of the members here will grow up and leave DYOM, maybe in 5 or 6 years.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There could be more interest in GTA SA because of the new mobile release, bout DYOM is for the PC version. This probably isn't possible, but if someone was able to make a DYOM for iPads that are jailbreaked and android devices, then it would probably last longer.

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I don't really see DYOM coming to the mobile versions at all..It would be cool, but I doubt it is possible. I don't even think it would be worth the time.


Also why in the world did this topic need to come back to life?? If you wanna discuss when the unpleasant death of DYOM will come, that could be discussed in the lounge. I doubt anyone wants to continue this discussion, though.

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