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Nagasaki Dinghy?


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So...I've seen a few Youtube videos of people using the Nagasaki Dinghy boat online. I tried asking these people where they found it but never got an answer.


Does anyone know where they spawn? Or in any case, at which level and where?

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i think the only way to get them is by calling merryweather for a boat pickup while stranded at sea

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i think the only way to get them is by calling merryweather for a boat pickup while stranded at sea

Pretty much this.

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The only way I have obtained it so far in Free Mode is from calling Merryweather for a Boat Pickup. They need to add the Dinghy on the Boat website for purchase!

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So you found youtube videos of people playing with their dinghy?

and.... boom goes the dynamite.

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So you found youtube videos of people playing with their dinghy?

and.... boom goes the dynamite.


I had to. To save the other trolls. :sui:


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Please use the Q& A topic

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