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So one of my stupid sh*t-stick minge friends is constantly doing missions and races and I'm constantly getting a feed of every damn thing they do in-game. Invites, race times, etc. It's annoying as all f*ck since you get a nice stupid beep to go along with it. It's very noticeable when you're wearing Turtle Beaches. And very annoying.


Is there a way to turn it off for one person? So I don't have to keep going f*cking status updates on every damn thing they do in this game?



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Look in Setting and then Options. I'm pretty sure you can turn it off.

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Turn your phone on vibrate, and ignore all the notifications.

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Look in Setting and then Options. I'm pretty sure you can turn it off.

Oh, no. I knew about that. I meant to turn them off for a specific person.

Break your friend's fingers. That'll buy you some peace and quiet.

This would be amazing. I'd break each finger one by one.

But out of the question, sorry.

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Ah yes. I think it's an all or nothing deal. If you don't want them from him/her then you'll have to forgo all of them.

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Ah yes. I think it's an all or nothing deal. If you don't want them from him/her then you'll have to forgo all of them.

Sucks, but alright. :\ Thanks for actually helping.

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Yell at the game to stop doing it

Helpful answers would be nice.


You must be new here to have not seen that one coming.

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So one of my stupid sh*t-stick minge friends is constantly doing missions and races and I'm constantly getting a feed of every damn thing they do in-game. Invites, race times, etc. It's annoying as all f*ck since you get a nice stupid beep to go along with it. It's very noticeable when you're wearing Turtle Beaches. And very annoying.


Is there a way to turn it off for one person? So I don't have to keep going f*cking status updates on every damn thing they do in this game?




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Can't you just de-friend them, bit harsh i know, but at least the problem will be solved... O_o

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Get ride of annoying friends. He's probably not even a real friend anyway!


I think people are so starved for friends they will take any friend requests. I don't want any friend requests unless I know you or your famous!

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