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Smoking's bad for you, m'kay? And so is drinking beer...


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Don't worry, this isn't some silly thread about how GTAO makes me smoke or drink too much. What i want to know is if anyone knows how i can stop my character from smoking or drinking whenever i spawn. ok, not whenever, but at least 2 out of 3 times i spawn i either got a smoke or a bottle in my hand. this makes me completely defenseless for the first 10-20 seconds after spawning (can't pull a gun, can't run, can't jump, can't punch) which can be a f*cking eternity when spawning in the wrong place, or if you have to react to something right after spawning.


I guess the easiest would be to just get the beer and cigs out of my inventory, but i don't want to have some idiotic mechanism dictate me what i can carry around. what the f*ck did the guys who came up with that think, that GTAO is some kind of easy chill block party where people stand around in the street and get their drink on and have a chat while puffing on their Redwoods?


Those are some of the thoughts that run through your mind when your character lays there in his own blood, the pisswasser-bottle laying right next to him and some f*ck running away after he just got served a kill on a silver platter.





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MADD probably made rockstar add that in just like they did in iv when Niko would say "I not sure I should be doing this's" when he was driving under the influence

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Only other way I know is to make a character with no illegal activities stats.

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Biohazard Abyss

The smoking animation is the worst because it takes forever.


Also I hate how you can't drop all your smokes. You have to drop them 1 at a time.

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Set your spawn to apartment/garage. Fixed.

not really... the game will still sometimes spawn you elsewhere, after missions etc., and sometimes i also need to spawn outside.

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Mr. Crowley


Set your spawn to apartment/garage. Fixed.


not really... the game will still sometimes spawn you elsewhere, after missions etc., and sometimes i also need to spawn outside.The characters don't do the smoke/drink animation after spawning from a mission.

only if you launch online and spawn outside.

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Drop all the cigarettes from your inventory.


Could be a while though if you've got 99 lol. I think you randomly pick em up from dead npcs and players so it can be hard to avoiding them sometimes.


Beers are good though, they let you teleport after a few.

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I'm drunk and smoking in game and life 90% of the time. :rol:


On a positive note - been drug free for 15 years now (true story).


If this helps?

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The smoking animation is the worst because it takes forever.


Also I hate how you can't drop all your smokes. You have to drop them 1 at a time.

plus if you have a mask on it comes off.



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this can be a problem sometimes.Happened to me before.Some guy came kill me while my character was smoking and I couldn't do anything until action has stopped.Some features added into the game in order to make it real,create stupid issues like this,like phone contact calls etc.

Edited by dedeto
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