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That's It, Bye.


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After a month of struggling with the "Rockstar Cloud Servers are Unavailable" bullsh*t and still getting it after the new update. And R* is an ass in their support and customer service, I guess it's goodbye GTA.

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Really, no one cares. And you are just one of 32 million+ that bought this game so I'm sure R* is struggling with this loss.

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Lol no please don't go you're such a big part of this community.

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Tabula Rasa

Thanks for the valuable information.

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Bye, Have a Great Time! - YouTube

Don't forget to like and subscribe!

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Is this The Guy?

I hear people saying that the Turismo has replaced the entity in races but to me the entity still sticks to the road like no other car in the game. I love my turismo but it bounces around a lot and has a tendency to spin out a lot while the entity doesnt

Edited by Thisguyherenow
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After a month of struggling with the "Rockstar Cloud Servers are Unavailable" bullsh*t and still getting it after the new update. And R* is an ass in their support and customer service, I guess it's goodbye GTA.

did you check your Internet connection? How many Mbps are il you getting when you run a network test? If you don't have at least 8 Mbps your not going to be able to play gta without major issues, such as lobbies emptying completely, cloud server issues, disconnects to single player, lagging weapon hits on other players and no vehicles or pedestrians on the streets.. You may need to invest into a new Internet service provider and switch from what you have. Good luck.
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I like how some hater leaving is one of the most viewed things in a week

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Lee Everett

After a month of struggling with the "Rockstar Cloud Servers are Unavailable" bullsh*t and still getting it after the new update. And R* is an ass in their support and customer service, I guess it's goodbye GTA.


Too bad this forum isn't owned by Rockstar???

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What a tool. Someone with 6 posts thinks they need to say goodbye to a community that couldn't give a sh*t about their own lives.

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After a month of struggling with the "Rockstar Cloud Servers are Unavailable" bullsh*t and still getting it after the new update. And R* is an ass in their support and customer service, I guess it's goodbye GTA.

did you check your Internet connection? How many Mbps are il you getting when you run a network test? If you don't have at least 8 Mbps your not going to be able to play gta without major issues, such as lobbies emptying completely, cloud server issues, disconnects to single player, lagging weapon hits on other players and no vehicles or pedestrians on the streets.. You may need to invest into a new Internet service provider and switch from what you have. Good luck.


Amazing how many people do not realize it is their problem and bitch to R* or on here.

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You'll be back

Actually I doubt he'll never leave, most the people who complain about the server problems are just bluffing about this, like almost every single one of my friends who have crap internet

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After a month of struggling with the "Rockstar Cloud Servers are Unavailable" bullsh*t and still getting it after the new update. And R* is an ass in their support and customer service, I guess it's goodbye GTA.

did you check your Internet connection? How many Mbps are il you getting when you run a network test? If you don't have at least 8 Mbps your not going to be able to play gta without major issues, such as lobbies emptying completely, cloud server issues, disconnects to single player, lagging weapon hits on other players and no vehicles or pedestrians on the streets.. You may need to invest into a new Internet service provider and switch from what you have. Good luck.


Amazing how many people do not realize it is their problem and bitch to R* or on here.

Amazing how many people don't realize R* admitted it's their problem.. Oh by the way, I'm back online. With all me monez and rankz

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