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How do you prepare for taxes?


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So, let's talk about the rigid world of taxes! Benjamin Franklin once said, "Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." Right now, some of you might have gathered your receipts, thinking you're ahead of the game or maybe you're done! It's that time of year in the United States. Not a lot else exciting is happening, unless you watch basketball. Good game. Anyway:

Under some circumstances, such as for business entertainment expenses, you'll have very complicated rules (see page 10 of publication 463: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p463.pdf.) What's with this associated test or directly-related test? Sounds like favoritism and nepotism to me! It makes you almost want to read some non-fiction on how they came up with this stuff. Some people think taxes are boring, but as my example will show, it's important to study up so you can keep money in your pockets. The IRS is out to get you. Just learn what the rich, powerful and popular do. The best scenario is if you pay no taxes and get no refunds. After all, a refund can just be like the U.S. government is using you for a one-year, interest-free loan!

Considering that we have a lot of accounts and tax software, I'm confident in saying a lot of people hate to do taxes, but that's just because they're ignorant and lazy. It can be fulfilling like when, for example, I sent my tax lady papers and got some bad news today that I'd have to pay. I was expecting my liability to be zero. I dug around my receipts and found some additional expenses to deduct. There is quite a bit that's deductible for business purposes, if you read the IRS publications.

Keep in mind everything in this topic is an analogy for this forum's moderating, by the way. Just replace IRS and taxes with variants of moderate and the warning system or something. Now, this stuff is surely debated a lot, but probably not in public. "How do we tax this or that?" "That's not fair to these guys over here, I like them," "These guys are pointing out flaws in the system, let's tax them." The IRS just want you to think taxes are boring so the stuff doesn't get discussed or questioned in public.

In case you didn't know, the IRS is still messing around with your private information. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/03/05/my-irs-tax-records-were-breached-and-misused-against-me-and-it-can-happen-to/

To conclude, remember:

Now my advice for those who die

Declare the pennies on your eyes

'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman

And you're working for no one but me.

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With an M16 and a fortified compound YEEEEE HAWWWWWWW DON'T TREAD ON ME.

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Whelp, I got my T4 form etc last month so I'll be seeing my accountant soon. I guess that's how I prepare?


Which reminds me....I need to print out that T2202A form off my uni's account services site to bring along with me.

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Frank Brown

I used TurboTax. Worked fine for me. Got my return a day or two ago.

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I just have H&R Block do my taxes. Filed my taxes, got my return 6 days later.

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I used TurboTax. Worked fine for me. Got my return a day or two ago.

Paying taxes isn't very libertarian of you.

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I had a friend of my moms prepare it for me. She probably missed some stuff but oh well. I'm satisfied with the size of my refund so I don't care.

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Frank Brown


I used TurboTax. Worked fine for me. Got my return a day or two ago.

Paying taxes isn't very libertarian of you.



I'm not a law breaker, honey. I comply with all laws. Even the one that tells me to show my boobs to the cops.




I'm being told that's not an actual law. Never mind.

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Don´t need to do anything. It´s automatic and I always get little back.

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Seriously though I do the turbo tax ever since this 3-fingered dumbass from Liberty Tax f*cked my taxes up in 2010 and I was left paying way more $ than I ever should have

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Income tax is illegal.

that said, I use turbo tax.

ain't America great?

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I just got taxed without any kind of justification. That horse could buck a man's whiskers plum off.

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