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How to destroy people vehicles without being charged.


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You are low on money, and don't want to spend it destroying someone's vehicle? well, i've got the perfect solution, and it's really fun to see too.


Step one : Go to Ammu Nation and buy some Gas.


Step two : Once u've bought the Gas, go ahead and find your enemy, he has to be near his car.


Step three : Kill him, and while he is respawning, pour the Gas all over his car, mostly on the front, back, and doors.


Step four: Just watch him get in his car, and as soon as he crashes, the minimum sparkle, will set the car on fire.


And you will be free of charge, and ready to go.


If he has a Mic, it's even better, because you can hear him cry all over his destroyed car.



Obviously, many of you already knew this, but this thread it's directed to those who didn't knew, so if you like going from thread to thread, just to make an idiot comment, don't even bother. ;)

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Chradders here I come! :evilgrin:


Not even a piece of those Dollar rims will be left. :D

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Well the gas disappears after a while and I don't think crashing will ignite it (I tried some time ago)
EDIT: crashing does not ignite it, but the backfire from Adder (or other supercar WILL) So this doesn't work for regular cars

Edited by Laveerre
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I got an insurance-free wreck of someone's PV the other day when they slammed into my garage and I was already in the animation going in. As they pulled out, I popped into my garage and triggered a car I'd left by the garage entrance that had a few stickies - as they were pulling out from the garage, BAM. Surprisingly, no bs/insurance.


However, I do get BS/insurance when I do the same thing in the apartment and can see out the window as the car goes by.

Edited by smokingndriving
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Step 5. Don't be a douchebag and buy kesh kerds.

hokae comrade

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Well the gas disappears after a while and I don't think crashing will ignite it (I tried some time ago)

EDIT: crashing does not ignite it, but the backfire from Adder (or other supercar WILL) So this doesn't work for regular cars


Crashing does ignite it, all you have to do, it's to drive touching the walls, that'll make a sparkle, and the car will set on fire in a sec. At least it works for me...

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Well the gas disappears after a while and I don't think crashing will ignite it (I tried some time ago)

EDIT: crashing does not ignite it, but the backfire from Adder (or other supercar WILL) So this doesn't work for regular cars


Crashing does ignite it, all you have to do, it's to drive touching the walls, that'll make a sparkle, and the car will set on fire in a sec. At least it works for me...


wtf I just poured like 300 litres of gasoline on my car and ran every car/lightpost/bustop and it didn't catch fire :p

Edited by Laveerre
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Step 5. Don't be a douchebag and play the game right.


Hahaaaaaaa please, come on it's GTA. The main objective of the game it's to kill. Anyway, if i don't get killed first, i won't kill the guy.



Well the gas disappears after a while and I don't think crashing will ignite it (I tried some time ago)

EDIT: crashing does not ignite it, but the backfire from Adder (or other supercar WILL) So this doesn't work for regular cars


Crashing does ignite it, all you have to do, it's to drive touching the walls, that'll make a sparkle, and the car will set on fire in a sec. At least it works for me...


wtf I just poured like 300 litres of gasoline on my car and ran every car/lightpost/bustop and it didn't catch fire :p


That's weird. hahaha I've tried with Issy, Turismo, and Jester, the three of them exploded in a minute :p maybe it works for some cars only, like the guy above my comment told

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Step 5. Don't be a douchebag and play the game right.


If another player is upset with me, chances are I'm doing something right. And it's not uncommon, for I am Lord of the trolling Douchebags (and yes, that is a capital D.)

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It's not the crashing that ignites it, it's the backfire from the exhaust that does.

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Step 5. Don't be a douchebag and play the game right.


Hahaaaaaaa please, come on it's GTA. The main objective of the game it's to kill. Anyway, if i don't get killed first, i won't kill the guy.

GTA is not COD. The main purpose is not to kill. The main purpose is to make money and rise up the criminal ranks. I bet you're one of those "shoot every white dot even if they are running away from you" people.


Blowing up pv's in such a way that costs the owner money is one of the biggest douchebag move in the game. It ranks right up there with god mode asshats.

Edited by blk95ta
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It's not the crashing that ignites it, it's the backfire from the exhaust that does.

That's what I meant/thought

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Step 5. Don't be a douchebag and play the game right.


If another player is upset with me, chances are I'm doing something right. And it's not uncommon, for I am Lord of the trolling Douchebags.

Than you're the kind of asshat bad sport was made for. GTFO my clean lobby and go play with the other vermin.

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Step 5. Don't be a douchebag and play the game right.

That's asking a lot considering the age of most gta players.

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Well the gas disappears after a while and I don't think crashing will ignite it (I tried some time ago)

EDIT: crashing does not ignite it, but the backfire from Adder (or other supercar WILL) So this doesn't work for regular cars

they changed this a little while ago, sparks don't ignite gas like they used too.
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Step 5. Don't be a douchebag and play the game right.

An open world game about freedom and mayhem. This is a creative way to to kill someone and cause destruction. I say this is THE way to play the game. The type of game GTA has always been about from the start.

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Soran Is On

Step 5. Don't be a douchebag and play the game right.

That is playing the game right. Props op.


You can also daisy chain an explosion. As long as you have two npc cars beside the target pv, drop a grenade and watch the domino carnage. No insurance liability either.


Blowing a vehicle up with the jerry can, exhaust backfire or not will cause you liability. I've done lots of testing.

Edited by stonedpimpso
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Soran Is On

There's something about skirting insurance cost and costing your enemies money that just seems very inherantly crafty and gta esque. If you think this is outside the realm of what gta is you dont really deserve to play this game princess.


Aren't half of all gta missions about destroying enemies property so you can get ahead in the venture you're perusing? Any clown calling this down is a silly goose.

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Step 5. Don't be a douchebag and play the game right.

Super car trolls are the assholes.

Also how is this not playing the game right?

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on lower ranked players that haven't got bulletproof tyres you can shoot out the tyres and cover the car with the gas can, the metal rims scraping off the ground will alight the gas and set the car on fire

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Lucky Knife

You can just lead the gas trail off the car and shoot it and you won't be charged either. I've done it many times to my friends.

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Hardly trolling, and funny the first time. But there won't even be a second time. Plus, most of us have enough money where we wouldn't even give a f*ck.

How often does this happen anyway?
Never... that's how often.

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I must be in the low level threads section. I can't imagine not having enough to cover insurance.

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I personally like to pick 'em up with a Cargobob and throw 'em in the ocean. :p



This. I check the impound and insurance a lot for expensive cars to throw

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