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God mode is 100% back


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Here we go again... A level 1000 who was ON the radar (not the content creator glitch) and couldn't be killed.


I ran him over with my tank several times, and he just teleported out, tank missiles also didn't effect him, he was untouched by them.


I resorted to running him over, then backing up, and repeating. This only worked until others attacked my tank. Wasted 3 tanks on him before I left and reported.


Is this DNS?

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Yes. DNS Servers are responsible for everything, even cash cards.

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Here we go again... A level 1000 who was ON the radar (not the content creator glitch) and couldn't be killed.


I ran him over with my tank several times, and he just teleported out, tank missiles also didn't effect him, he was untouched by them.


I resorted to running him over, then backing up, and repeating. This only worked until others attacked my tank. Wasted 3 tanks on him before I left and reported.


Is this DNS?

Why would you call up fr three tanks to use on someone who can't be killed?!


If he didn't die with the first one, report and move on. Smh.

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I encountered a god mode fa**ot the other day. Sat on him with the tank and he would then teleport across the map.

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Met a lvl 832 with NOS yesterday morning on the PS3, too.


He put in a 4:05 time on a track i have where sub-4:20 is not possible. Oh, i saw him wreck 5 times, so yeah, he had NOS.


Way to "fix" your game R*...

Edited by EarthboundMysfit
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I once killed a guy on god mode by repeteadly shooting at him with an automatic shotgun for a long time.


The bullet waste wasn't worth just to get him killed.....

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I haven't see any god mode glitchers. Though last night I believe I ran into some auto aimers in a free aim lobby. First they one shot my friend on top of a building as soon as he popped out(with the new assault rifle) and then turned around and instantly killed me with the same gun. We kept testing this with him. Everytime any part of my head would stick out it was getting shot. Even if I was moving/dodging/running. I looked up his k/d and it was around 2.05 so I know hes not just amazingly good at the game. Possible he was using a mouse(ps3)...though from the feel of how accurate he was with every shot it felt more like auto aim. Literally die before I could even shoot a bullet at him in confrontations. Above, below, stealth looking a corner. Didn't matter.

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I can confirm it's back. I was at the airport going to steal a Luxor when I was about to leave the airport, it loses power. When I bail out, I die instantly. Over the mic, I hear a mature voice saying "God mode or go f*ck yourself & get out." :/


Then I saw this. It flies like a fighter jet :/



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Ah sh*t ! they manage update the mods that now nearly immune aganist tank's catepillar tracks . i guess i'll lay low on private session until it wiped out or there is another weakness

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jail broken ps3 can still do it,i ran into one today in a chrome police car i blew up his car he got out on fire i unloaded half a clip into him an he blew me up,reported him and i bounced the lobby

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I've seen a few from time to time but the latest one I came across after a while just stood there while I shot several ammo clips into him I should have known sooner that he was in god mode but the blood splatter was everywhere so at first I though he would go down sooner or later but he just ran off so I assume he was taking damage but had very high hit points ! New to me as with god mode normally you cannot target them with a weapon .

Edited by Qutan
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Part of me believes God Mode will always happen because, from the size of the game, a lot of it is client side. Ergo, it makes some data easy enough to modify, unlike server side which would be a lot more difficult.

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Just a few days ago I ran over someone and he teleported from under my vehicle to right next to me. I tried to shoot him, had a clear shot because he still had to get up, but my gun wouldn't fire. I tried killing him 2 more times, thinking it was just my controller or something, but could never kill him

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Wayne Daniels

I saw my first billion dollar bounty get put on someone tonight since they fixed it, not sure if it's old, but first time I seen it since...

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God mode player got into our TDM games last night, fajit.




:v: Cocksuckers like that should f*ck off to COD.

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grand theft spaghetti

ive seen players with double circles over their heads. one is passive and the other is the regular white dot. you come near them and they are in passive untouchable. you turn around and they open fire on you, you turn back around and they are still in passive. nothing can hurt them and if you hit them with a car they will just pop up unharmed right next to you.


you cant put bounties on passive players but you can put bounties on these guys while they are doing this double circle trick. when you do they leave the session.

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Definitely ISO mods.


And they're always there, just much rarer.

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same deal, expirienced a god moder 2 nights ago...


ill say this to the least... hes the only one ive seen in a long time.

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Here we go again... A level 1000 who was ON the radar (not the content creator glitch) and couldn't be killed.


I ran him over with my tank several times, and he just teleported out, tank missiles also didn't effect him, he was untouched by them.


I resorted to running him over, then backing up, and repeating. This only worked until others attacked my tank. Wasted 3 tanks on him before I left and reported.


Is this DNS?

Why would you call up fr three tanks to use on someone who can't be killed?!


If he didn't die with the first one, report and move on. Smh.


He's one of them guys who stand shooting at someone in passive mode for 10 mins.

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god mode never when away 100%...


hours after R* did the dns hotfix, i crosspath with a god modder.


they are not as widespread as before tho.

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I got called a hacker today. I killed a guy a few times who killed me then threw a sticky on his car on my way to go back to finding a car to sell at lsc. About 5 mins later i remembered and decided to blow his car hoping he would still be driving it. He was and told the lobby i was using a hack to kill him from across the map.

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Yup, I thought this happened... called a heli, killed the pilot. A guy comes up and starts to get in, I unload an entire clip of a special carbine only to have him get out, kill me and fly off.

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