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List of things we need.


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So apparently Rockstar has too many things that they want to put into the game and they need our help deciding so lets show them what we really want in the game. Basically just read through this list of things that I want, and if it doesn't have what you want, then make your own little list in the comments! Hope you guys have the same feeling of this as I do.



-Heists (obviously)


-More Shirts (Un-tucked dress shirts)

-Less pork pie hats??? (seriously who uses those... it's like the baby fedora)

-Calm down on the suits pl0x

-More phone space for pictures

-Stocks in Multiplayer

-Have Lifeinvader so its just showing social club profiles (i cant be the only one who thought about this)

-More customizable things on cars

-Different touques

-A lottery would be cool (Sort of a crazy idea but it would be nice to get a lot of money in a little bit)

-Animals (oh yeh)

-More gun customization (as in things to put on can't remember the word)

-People who give low level missions give higher ones as you level??? (ie: Gerald, Simeon, Ron.


-See if you can add more easter eggs ;D

-More enterable buildings (like in gta 4 you could go into lots of bars)

-WEAR TIES WITH THE UNTUCKED DRESS SHIRTS [Edit] (sort of like a high school anime :D)

Edited by Gorbon
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I like your list, better than the sh*t rockstar has come up with.


Especially the part about calming the f*ck down with the suits.

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-Animals (oh yeh)



Totally not creepy.

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*cough* nerf Tanks *cough*

how about make them more expensive haha real life tanks are more like a trillion dollars or something

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-WEAR TIES WITH THE UNTUCKED DRESS SHIRTS [Edit] (sort of like a high school anime :D)


And neon.

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*cough* nerf Tanks *cough*

how about make them more expensive haha real life tanks are more like a trillion dollars or something



The Tank in GTA V is based of the German Leopard 2A3 that costs about 5.74 Million US Dollars.... :)

Edited by CrazyDog150
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Zerodragon Z

I'd rather they work on their AI's before adding anything else

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I'd also like:

- Option to change the host in a string of races/missions/etc. because too often the designated host seems to have no clue.
- Option to turn off headlights before a race starts.
- Option to have a cop-free lobby
- Implement some way to race so toolbag dirty drivers can't ruin races (it's getting as bad as GTA4, now)
- Implement voice authorizing age-verification system to keep kids under 17 from playing (I'm kidding, of course... I just wish parents would keep GTA away from 6 year olds!)
- A hirable hit man, who acts like a mugger but behaves like a bounty (he never gives up... either you kill him or he kills you. he only times out after 24 hours ingame)
- Airstrikes that actally did something.
- Make it so if you're at a tank or vehicle spawn location and call in to Pegasus, they don't spawn the vehicle on the other side of the map.
- An ability to race multiple classes of vehicles at the same time. (ie, Supers vs. Off Road vs. Sports Classics)
- Survival missions with multiple options (time of day, difficulty, payout scale, specific weapon options, etc).

Commenting on your list:

- Casino would be great
- Heists (obviously)
- Lottery would be interesting - how would that work?
- NPC Mission levels should have payouts commensurate to the level of the player. I agree.
- More interaction with NPCs, including buidlings, would be fun.

Most of the rest on your list I don't have a preference for (like Pork Pie hats, photos, animals, etc.), but I get what you're digging.

Hopefully, Rockstar won't bail on the game like they did soon after "multiplayer" came out for GTA4, and we'll see a consistent flow of upgrades to this product.

Cheers! ;)

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Please no




Anyway, I would like:

  • Drivable Trains
  • Flyable UFO's
  • Make the smaller airliners flyable
  • Spawn points for all vehicles, including things like the Cutter and Cargo Plane
  • Bring the Collectors Edition vehicles and the Blimp to normal copies of the game (they have been exclusive for long enough)
  • Ridable Horses (hopefully the audio leaks are true)
  • Interiors if they can find a way to work around the limitations.
  • Full content creator that allows creation of missions, survival, parachute jumps, etc, and if possible, less limitations for the content creator.

Those things are more important to me than heists.

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Nerfing police or at least never wanted cheat would be nice :sarcasm:
And for online non-police lobbies :colgate:

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  • Bring the Collectors Edition vehicles and the Blimp to normal copies of the game (they have been exclusive for long enough)


I've seen a grand total of 1 Hotknife, 2 Khamelions, and 1 Carbon RS in the 296 hours I've logged this game, and the people using them admitted they were glitched.

I'd gladly buy that pack.

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*To be able to kick players DURING a race or mission as the Host!!!!!


Not this gotta wait for job to end, gotta wait for voting screen, gotta wait for next job screen, THEN gotta wait for player about to receive the boot to join(rejoin) the room bullsh*t..


If someone needs a swift boot to the ass, they needed it 5 seconds ago, not in 5 minutes, after it's lost all effect!... Swift, being key word here.

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  • Heists




Horse races


Able to call your blimp in MP


Turbulence decrease by 20%


Payout increase on everything.


Nerf payouts of easy missions like Rooftop Rumble and buff payouts of harder ones.




Stock market


Additional motorcycles, jets, boats, and cars.


Additional clothing


Additional weapons


Additional haircuts


Have the mechanic step out of your vehicle when you spawn but keep the insta-spawn feature.


Ability to make your own missions and survivals.


Buff body armor but also increase the price.


Buy able med-packs at stores. (eating candy bars to restore health is dumb)


AI have decreased accuracy when shooting from a moving vehicle.


Police Helicopters have a less chance to spawn in front of you out of nowhere.


Have people who go around in tanks blowing up PVs pay the fee but people who blow up the tank have to pay the 200.


New difficulty that raises the payout by x2


New radio station that plays classic 80's synth pop


Animal life, without it Los Santos seems like a wasteland instead of feeling alive.


Edited by EMCondor
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How about this


Things We Don't Need In GTAFourms-

1. Yet another topic about stuff we want in GTAO

2. *See number 1

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the euros back from San Andreas as a modern 300z and bruh pork pie hats are awesome. i switch my character style up from his normal street attire and the pork pie hat is a good alternative

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the euros back from San Andreas as a modern 300z and bruh pork pie hats are awesome. i switch my character style up from his normal street attire and the pork pie hat is a good alternative

just wear the fedora ;w;

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Lee Everett

If they could add a Life Invader in-game that connects to social club and lets you leave people comments, delete comments, add and block, it would be AMAZING. I'd log in occasionally just to read what stupid sh*t people post on my wall.

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If they could add a Life Invader in-game that connects to social club and lets you leave people comments, delete comments, add and block, it would be AMAZING. I'd log in occasionally just to read what stupid sh*t people post on my wall.

omfg yes and it would make it a lot easier than signing in to the social club on your computer however much people do that using all of the photos and things. right now you need to go on social club just to add tags and it is the most annoying thing. also crews

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1.Reward a tank destroyer 10k per player tank exploded(1 hour per tank call)

2.Chrome rims

3.Pizza in apartment

4.Cars dlc(no supercars)

5.Stinger/Javelin(deals with tanks & helis)

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I seen the casino for the first time today, I had to do blink twice to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Nope. It was a casino! I've had this game since launch and been playing Online since its launch as well and never seen the casino, I know the map is expansive but how have I always managed to never notice it? Then again I am never really in that part of town. The casino is fairly large and from its front doors it definitely looks like it could be functional and packed if Rockstar ever opens it up, and for god sake... next door to it is this huge racetrack. What the hell. How have I not noticed that either? What is with all this amazing useful stuff they added and it's all derelict?!

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I seen the casino for the first time today, I had to do blink twice to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Nope. It was a casino! I've had this game since launch and been playing Online since its launch as well and never seen the casino, I know the map is expansive but how have I always managed to never notice it? Then again I am never really in that part of town. The casino is fairly large and from its front doors it definitely looks like it could be functional and packed if Rockstar ever opens it up, and for god sake... next door to it is this huge racetrack. What the hell. How have I not noticed that either? What is with all this amazing useful stuff they added and it's all derelict?!

You obviously haven't played Jump and Die.
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-Heists (Obviously)

-Neon lights

-Different window tint colors

-Other mods


-Whatever anti-tank stuff they can add

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Casino (gambling)

Long John Marston type leather coats


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