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Tanks worth the money?


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Anyone else actually buy the tank with their hard earned money?? I have more then enough but would you consider it worth it. Tried baiting one out of the army base but had no luck with that

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Special Agent 25

if you like griefing the hell outta people then yes.

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Listen to this;tanks should be 10.000.000 $ so that kids don't buy it

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Mr. Crowley


The amount of pure butthurt it causes by just being there makes it worth every cent.

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By hard earned I hope you mean driving your car to LSC for the 5th time

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it is the counter to everything. and if if doesn't counter it it is safe to ignore

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The only reason to buy a tank is the ability to kill other peoples tanks. If you're buying it just to spawn kill people, you really need to stop playing this game or actually get good at it.

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Its only worth it if you want to have a fallback plan when you're getting killed and you start raging your face off. As for missions, its pretty much useless.


Buy a buzzard. :)

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Anyone else actually buy the tank with their hard earned money?? I have more then enough but would you consider it worth it. Tried baiting one out of the army base but had no luck with that

It's much more worth it to get the buzzard (if you don't have it)... and if you do missions

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I have only bought a couple cars throughout my time playing GTAO, but the tank was an obvious decision for me. I love armored vehicles, and I love using the tank in GTA. That does not mean I spawn kill everyone I see with it, just the ones who think a 140 pound skinny looking mute is stronger than a 65 short ton tank with a 120mm cannon on it.

I like to just sit there some times, right in the middle of a spot players will pass by. I usually take a fighting position and provide over watch, and when they start getting closer I move the turret around.... I only fire if I see a weapon or someone is raping another player and I can tell that other player wants no part in it.

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love spawning kids for a good 30 minutes everyday in my tank. they're too stupid to enter passive mode and if they do i run them over. well worth the purchase.

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Bought it when I was reaping the benefits of my GTA welfare checks and haven't called for it once. Overrated and unnecessary IMO

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It's an investment.


First pop is the big amount. Anything after that is just 200. That makes it amazing.


Having a bad day? Tank it up.

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My tank is collecting dust

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I glitched for my tank a long time ago.. it was a pretty easy thing back then, no money involved (and I was only level 30 or so). But if I didn't have it today I would definitely farm RR to buy it.


It's a great way to grief lobbies.. destroy personal vehicles without paying insurance or getting a bad sport warning :)

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I've thought about using it as a means of recruiting for my crew. Only way to approach anyone nowadays without getting whacked on sight

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Not directing this to the OP, but in general, if a player decides that their place in life is to be a pathetic loser, no-life, griefer sh*tbag, then yes, a tank is their only necessary purchase in GTA0, and they should ask other players for GTA0 money, so they can save up enough for their tank. :p

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Tabula Rasa

It's totally worth it; I would just advise not abusing it,..do what you want but using it purely for advantage can get really shallow,..It's a great equalizer and a great tool but with great power comes great responsibility.

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In terms of usefulness, NO. Buzzard is orders of magnitude more useful as quick transportation and in missions.


In terms of fun, YES. Spawn killing other players isn't really my thing (I actually prefer a fair 1v1 gunfight, unlike most noobs in tanks), but rampaging around cops with 5 star wanted level IS.

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Crunch McThornbody

Yesterday I went to see the rest of my crew in the session as they were at LSC, suddenly a tank appeared and proceeded to kill us all, destroying our PVs in the process, so at least 4 of us rushed off to get our tanks and went ape sh*t on them... and anyone else who dared to get near...


Hella fun! :D

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I wish I could sell my tank. Such a waste.


I'll take it



If I could give it away I would*!


*Well, technically I have, temporarily. Alas no permanent option.

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Mr. Crowley

Not directing this to the OP, but in general, if a player decides that their place in life is to be a pathetic loser, no-life, griefer sh*tbag, then yes, a tank is their only necessary purchase in GTA0, and they should ask other players for GTA0 money, so they can save up enough for their tank. :p

See OP, ^this is exactly why it's worth it.

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Crunch McThornbody

It's funny to just get in a tank and drive around, not shooting or running over anyone, just making them scatter when you turn a corner on a few players not expecting it. Firing warning shots at buildings or in the air also has a nice effect :)


But when someone decides they don't like you just sneaking up on them like that and they get their own tank, prey you get the first shot in and that every subsequent shot makes contact with their tank or you're toast.

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