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Useable Repelling Ropes on the Mavrik and Frogger?


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So I was playing online and found out you can repel from merry weather choppers by pressing square (ps3) I was flying a Frogger and saw a rope rig on the side like the Mavrik had.. My question is, if I own a Mavrik or Frogger are friends able to repel if low enough to the ground like I am able to in the merry weather helicopter?

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Special Agent 25

No for some reason you can only repel from a merryweather chopper..


You should be able to do it from any though, would be fun..

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dunno, but i'd help you find out if you're on xbox, as i'm interested in this too

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With just a touch of ingenuity, rappelling ropes would just be an item, like RDR's lasso. Rapel from a chopper, cliff, bridge, building, whatever. Hell, if Rockstar had half the fun they had in them during the SA era, you'd be able to rapel from an airplane and hope your mate doesn't swing you into the side of a building.


GTA has not enough things you can "do" and too many things you can "join activities" for.

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With just a touch of ingenuity, rappelling ropes would just be an item, like RDR's lasso. Rapel from a chopper, cliff, bridge, building, whatever. Hell, if Rockstar had half the fun they had in them during the SA era, you'd be able to rapel from an airplane and hope your mate doesn't swing you into the side of a building.


GTA has not enough things you can "do" and too many things you can "join activities" for.

It's a lot easier to say that than to actually program it into the game.


Not only program it, but bug check it to death to count for the people who will do 24 steps involving it in order to save FIB Buffaloes into their garages.


Rockstar might F up in multiple ways, but not implementing such a random, obscure thing as repelling like Just Cause 2 isn't one of them.

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