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Plan to make a "Buzzard" Video, could use feedback.


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Now I know it's going to be hard to believe, but I bought the Buzzard Legit. It may cost a lot but it practically pays for itself and then some.


I use it for a lot of missions, even missions where there's no real reason to have a chopper it can provide good support.


Here is a list of Mission where I use the Buzzard.

Trash Talk
Mixed up with Coke
Base Invaders
Los Santos Connection (Support)
Dry Docking (Support)
Stocks and Scares (Support)
Chemical Extraction (Support)
Crystal Clearout 2 & 3
Blow up 1 & 3
(2 if you had someone get the Banshee out of the way)
Bust Out
Cops Compacity
Rooftop Rumble
High Priority Case

So I was wondering if anyone else knows of a Mission which the Buzzard helps. Also if you got some things to say about it, feel free to post it.




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Judging the Jury and Cleaning the Cathouse are a couple of good Buzzard missions.

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Judging the Jury and Cleaning the Cathouse are a couple of good Buzzard missions.

Oh yeah, those two are.


I want to get some people together cause I think two on the sides of the Buzzard can Auto-Aim.

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