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Do you miss the Mechanic?

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As much as I thought I hated him, I have found that I actually miss him. WHEN he delivered your car he brought it to you and it was kinda cool to see your car coming around the corner. I really miss deciding how to kill him too. What do you think, do you want him back or do you enjoy reliable (although further away) vehicle spawns enough to let him go?

Edited by MrCamo
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I don't miss seeing a huge ding in the side of my car on top of having to chase that bastard down the road for my car and then hearing "scratch was already there, right?"

I do miss the more realistic aspect of it though.

Edited by ZeroSafe5615
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I'm glad he's gone and I don't want him back

So... Got any reasons why you don't want him back? That's a pretty bland statement.


I just found him annoying. Without him I don't constantly have to chase after my car. And when my car spawns there's no "She's purrin'" or "That scratch was already there, right?" He just bothered me idk. Also, I don't have problems with my car spawning far away from me like others do, it's usually just across the street.

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I miss him he always made me laugh, mainly because he wasn't that clever....... He once delivered or tried to deliver my car upside down, but he didn't move an inch I had to run 50 meters get another car ram it until stood on all 4 wheels....


I miss you stu*** Mechanic

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When he was around he'd drop my car off just over the road, since they deleted him I find myself having to steal a car just to retrieve the one spawned about 4 blocks away, I've missed him from day one! I want my johnny back!

If it even spawns, since 1.11 If I need a car I have to go get on from my garage. Never gets delivered.

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Are you kidding me, he finally leveled up, he is now a level 3 car conjurer.


No longer does he spawn with the car, which is a good thing no more driving off somewhere else. Or the whole "sorry I can't find that BIG open road your on". *Derp*

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