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How much damage have you caused on your car


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How much damage have you caused on your car, while doing crazy stuff in GTA V?

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Lethal Vaccine

I don't like damage and dents in my car. So when it happens, I just switch characters, and then back again, which completely fixes your vehicle. Seems to fix the windows now, too. Whereas before it was hit or miss for fixing windows.

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I don't like damage and dents in my car. So when it happens, I just switch characters, and then back again



I'm the same and I hate busted lights.


Unfortunately, since 1.11 switching fixes the car, but not the lights.


Maybe it's not the patch, maybe my XBox needs a slap.....

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Lethal Vaccine


I don't like damage and dents in my car. So when it happens, I just switch characters, and then back again



I'm the same and I hate busted lights.


Unfortunately, since 1.11 switching fixes the car, but not the lights.


Maybe it's not the patch, maybe my XBox needs a slap.....



Yeah? Cuz my 2008-bought PS3 fixes the lights, lol, the entire car gets to 100% "health" again when I switch characters. Whereas before 1.11, it only would fix it 85%, leaving the windows still smashed. But sometimes it would even fix those. Whereas now, I notice the windows are fixed, along with the entire rest of the car.

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before 1.11, it only would fix it 85%, Whereas now, I notice the windows are fixed, along with the entire rest of the car.



Ah well, my loss is your gain!

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By now my cars would be a write off, i don't like my cars damaged in GTA or even dirty just like in real life haha.

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Uhh I absolutely love beating the sh*t out of cars in GTA. I sometimes purposely do a quick e brake turn into oncoming cars so the side of my car gets smashed in. Or I'll just back into things on purpose. Or sometimes I'll go off a jump and let gravity do the rest instead of manipulating the car with joysticks so it lands safely.


I think it's hilarious doing as much damage to a car before it's undriveable.

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One time when I died and came out of the hospital, I was bored. So I sprinted to a parked baller, came close to it, and started shooting it with a carbine rifle. I shot it in thw front, and it only took 10 shots for it to blow up O_O. I didn't use a special ability or grenades. The baller was also undamaged before I went to it

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