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I understand they couldn't make characters get fat or muscular in story mode because it wouldn't make sense in the story but in online I don't see why they can't, like at least have a build option when creating your character cause everyone looks the same I wanna be able to eat burgers and get fat and then ride my bicycle to build muscle and stuff does anyone agree? I'm sick of everyone looking like a skater

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sorry i prefer some things restricted to RL

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Maybe you would be able to buy protien shakes/mass gainers/weightloss shakes and maybe be able to use the stuff in muscle beach?

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Maybe you would be able to buy protien shakes/mass gainers/weightloss shakes and maybe be able to use the stuff in muscle beach?

maybe with that i can beef up and finally tear down those volleyball nets that my tank cant destroy

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They should replace the Lung capacity stat with a Muscle/Fat stat because Lung cap is f*cking useless even at 100%. And even with Strength at 100% your character is still really skinny.

Edited by drunkenMUNKEY78
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i'm surprised it's not tbh it was in san andreas, you should at least be able to change your physique a bit in the creator.

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Depends where the weight will go? If its on my tits then yey, but if its on my arse or hips then no thanks.

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I'd prefer if they gave you the option to change your build at the character creation screen. But since the character creation is a piece of garbage and makes everyone look like a generic thug, I don't think that'll ever be possible.

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I'd prefer if they gave you the option to change your build at the character creation screen. But since the character creation is a piece of garbage and makes everyone look like a generic thug, I don't think that'll ever be possible.

I agree everyone looks the same there's no distinguishing features like height weight different walking animations and age isn't noticeable unless your super up close.

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I'd prefer if they gave you the option to change your build at the character creation screen. But since the character creation is a piece of garbage and makes everyone look like a generic thug, I don't think that'll ever be possible.

I agree everyone looks the same there's no distinguishing features like height weight different walking animations and age isn't noticeable unless your super up close.


Yeah, that whole thing where you have to choose your parents and grandparents to create what you look like is retarded......

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Not possible on current gen, the consoles wouldn't be able to render many player shapes at once. Also the clothes were created for one character type.

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Oh id love rockstar so much if they came up with a new character creation system with different body types etc... would be much appreciated

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U want weight gain or loss go play san Andreas then tell me if u still want it because I didnt its makes the game way more annoying but I could see choosing what u look like not just the face

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idk. maybe. it'd have to be something you need to build and be consistent with, have strengths and weaknesses to each type, and get mediocre rp for doing so everyone wasn't doing the same thing. they'd have to figure out what type matches their style and strive to keep it. something like that in interest of fairness

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just imagine all the monkey masked beer bellied bald people running around gtao, if they allowed weight gain lol

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No we don't need useless additions to the game. Go play san andreas if you wanna get fat.

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No we don't need useless additions to the game. Go play san andreas if you wanna get fat.

THANK YOU ! that is EXACTLY why i said this was a stupid idea , earlier in this game . never saw the point of it in GTA san andreas and i still dont see the point of it now.

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Imagine if you will, being a smoking hot babe and getting friend requests and appartment invites from 14 y old boys. Then totally make your female gain 200 pounds, don a bikini and have a few motorbike accidents so your all bruised up. Go buzz squeaky's appartment and record the horror. The decibel level would be tremendous.

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No we don't need useless additions to the game. Go play san andreas if you wanna get fat.

THANK YOU ! that is EXACTLY why i said this was a stupid idea , earlier in this game . never saw the point of it in GTA san andreas and i still dont see the point of it now. but i wanna eat cluckin bell lol but agreed as if the character creator wasnt already f*cked up
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No we don't need useless additions to the game. Go play san andreas if you wanna get fat.

THANK YOU ! that is EXACTLY why i said this was a stupid idea , earlier in this game . never saw the point of it in GTA san andreas and i still dont see the point of it now.
but i wanna eat cluckin bell lol but agreed as if the character creator wasnt already f*cked up


what would be funny is if you could bulk your character up to the max and then send your cousin flying down the street with one punch when you hit him lol

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Lmao he had no idea my strength was maxed out but he learned his lesson last nights highlight was when a pvc ran him over and as soon as he got up the ambulance ran him over and i ran up to him while he was down and stabbed him lol

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I understand they couldn't make characters get fat or muscular in story mode because it wouldn't make sense in the story but in online I don't see why they can't, like at least have a build option when creating your character cause everyone looks the same I wanna be able to eat burgers and get fat and then ride my bicycle to build muscle and stuff does anyone agree? I'm sick of everyone looking like a skater


Well if you could adjust your players height and weight then it DM's etc it would be much easier/harder depending on how you set up your character. With the characters being made the way they are then it gives everyone a fair playing field.

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Lmao he had no idea my strength was maxed out but he learned his lesson last nights highlight was when a pvc ran him over and as soon as he got up the ambulance ran him over and i ran up to him while he was down and stabbed him lol

lol that was classic gta right there lol

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I agree! Would be great, but everyone would be bodybuilders!

Nope, I would be obese as f*ck and in nothing but short shorts.

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I would 100% support this. This game really needs some variety when it comes to character build. I always though that when you create your character, altering the "partying" "exercise" and "sleep" would affect more than just your face.

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I think we should be able to make our characters exactly how we want them. Fat, thin, muscular, body hair, piercings, tall, short, you name it. If it had a character creator like The Sims, that would be perfect. :lol:

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I agree! Would be great, but everyone would be bodybuilders!

Regular PvP folks would actually go for as skinny as possible, for smaller hitboxes.

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